GPT Sites and how to make the most of them

Posted by faii acy
Jan 16, 2012
Image Well, for those who are familiar with GPT this should be obvious, but a short refresher is useful as well.

Firstly, we all know what GPT is, right? No? OK....
GPT stands for Get Paid To. Which basically means you get paid to 1) Click Ads 2) Join sites 3) Complete surveys 4) Signup for offers 5) All kinds of things imaginable and unimaginable.

But how to make the most of them, especially if you're not from the US? (US gets 90% of available offers)
In my case I do best concentrating on one site. I do all available offers there but I also check a lot of other sites carefully. I watch who has good promos, especially referral contests, and when I see one with an opportunity I buy ads on my main GPT, send FB messages to my long-suffering family members, and promote the living daylights out of it, including using Apsense campaigns.

Does it work? Well, enough that I'm writing this for your viewing pleasure. And for a Canadian, and therefore victim of what I call the "Weather Map Syndrome" I do very well at it.
PS: Weather Map Syndrome will be the subject of a future article.

What it all comes down to is this: If you want to make money with GPT, if you want to make CONSIDERABLE money with GPT, you need to be imaginative, and always ALWAYS, think outside the box.
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