Save the wolves!

Posted by faii acy
Feb 23, 2012
Image My friend Cindy started this petition:

Please sign the petition to save the wolves in Northern Alberta. Right now the government is trying to save the caribou. One of their solutions is to kill the wolves by helicopter shooting. Most of the wolves eat rodents and things and the odd caribou.

And yet wolves have been persecuted for 1000's of years, the villains of myriad children's stories (Little Red Riding Hood, The Three Little Pigs). Isn't it time we did something to change public perception of them and to give them the chance to live as they deserve? It's always easy to blame the predators, and to hate and despise them, but in the end they are only doing what nature designed them to do.

In this area, and throughout much of North America, the over population of the white-tailed deer and the ensuing cycles of boom and famine, not to mention the havoc they cause on our roads, can be directly attributed to the removal of the wolf from the ecosystem.

So PLEASE sign Cindy's petition. It only takes a minute and just MIGHT make the world a better place!

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Comments (3)
faii acy

GPT Site Owner/Operator

Thank you Brenda! Every name has to help, right?

Feb 23, 2012 Like it
Brenda G.

banner creation

signed gladly! I think wolves have been feared for too many years; it's time they were valued for their place in the ecosystem.

Feb 23, 2012 Like it
faii acy

GPT Site Owner/Operator

Lost the link!

Feb 23, 2012 Like it
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