Understanding the Commonly Used Masonic Symbols and Their Meanings in Masonic Badges
Masonic badges help in proudly representing the brotherhood on different occasions and showcasing one’s commitment towards it. Although some remarkable Freemasonry symbols are well-recognized by the public, their meanings and why they’re used remains a mystery to most of us. You can often see different masonic symbols on a medal, award, or as a badge worn with clothing.
Custom made badges are one of the most prevalent clothing accessories that Freemasons wear on anniversaries, centenaries, and other special occasions. For a better understanding of their customs and traditions, you need to know more about the various masonic symbols and what they mean.
The Eye of Providence
Most commonly known as ‘The All Seeing Eye’, this iconic Freemasonry symbol serves as a reminder to all Freemasons that God is omnipresent and continues to watch all their actions and thoughts all the time.
The Letter ‘G’
The letter G often makes its way to custom pin badges UK for Freemasons. It is believed to symbolize ‘God’ and ‘Geometry’, two essential elements of Freemasonry. However, this symbolism is not a definite one because some also believe that the letter ‘G’ stands for ‘Gnosis’. Gnosis is a term used for spiritual knowledge, another major part of Freemasonry. Furthermore, it is also believed to have its roots in ancient Hebrew, where the letter ‘G’ is a symbol for the numerical value of 3. This might also be true because the digit ‘3’ in itself is a reference to God, as seen time and time again in the past.
Square and Compasses
Square and Compasses are among the most recognizable Freemasonry symbols of all. You can easily spot Freemasons wearing custom made badges comprising Square and Compasses. To understand its symbolism, we need to see the ‘Square’ and the ‘Compasses’ separately.
The square represents morality in Freemasons, guiding them to keep their actions squared according to the expectations of mankind. Next comes the compass that measures their ability to take the right action while remaining within moral constraints. To sum it up, the symbol of Square and Compasses is a message to all Freemasons to explore all aspects of the world while remaining within moral boundaries.
A Cable Tow
A cable tow signifies the Freemason’s duty and resolves to help his fellow lodge members as much as he can, whenever the need arises. It is attached to a Freemason’s robe during ceremonies and the length of the rope in a cable tow is significant as it denotes the capability of the Brother in helping his fellow Freemasons.
Masonic Gavel
Custom pin badges in UK with a masonic gavel symbol usually signify that the Freemason adoring it is a senior member of his lodge, making the symbol a representation of authority. The senior members use the gavel to maintain order during a session. In addition to this, the masonic gavel also acts as a reminder for the Freemasons about their history, as the gavel was used previously to shape a stone.
Online Masonic Regalia: One-Stop Shop for Creative Masonic Badges
Online Masonic Regalia provides a plethora of creatively designed masonic badges for all types of occasions. You can consult their team of experts and get top-quality badges according to your unique needs.
Comments (1)
Dr Don Yates Sr PhD
Entrepreneur, Mentor, Advisor, CEO
Good Read. Thank you
Non-practicing Masonic 32 Degree, [Malaysia restiction] 60 years, Supporter Shriners Hospitals