Understand Glaucoma Better

Posted by Dr. Leon F. Cohn
Oct 19, 2020
A serious eye condition that can even cause blindness is known as glaucoma. Glaucoma can damage the optic nerve, which is the mode of transmission of information between the eyes and visual center of our brain. If it is done, one can face loss in vision. So if you are diagnosed with glaucoma, be quick to find a Glaucoma Testing Humphrey Visual field nearby or the best glaucoma specialist in Florida for treating glaucoma diseases.

Glaucoma disease is been caused due to too much pressure inside either or one eye. But there are some possibilities of having glaucoma even if the pressure inside your eyes is normal. It is to be noted; glaucoma does not show any early warning signs. It is only detected during a comprehensive eye examination. If glaucoma stays undetected and untreated, it first causes peripheral vision loss and then eventually leads to blindness. Do note: a lost vision can not be restored, even if you have been diagnosed with glaucoma at right time, you can experience additional vision loss problems, even after the treatment is started. The only way to protect yourself as well as your loved ones from glaucoma is to go through comprehensive eye testing in routine. An ophthalmologist can spot the early signs of glaucoma and can start treating you before you lose your vision. You can search for online, glaucoma specialist near me or a top ophthalmologist in plantation fl and get started with treating glaucoma disease.

What Causes Glaucoma?

Well, glaucoma occurs due to higher-than-lower pressure inside the eye. This condition is known as ocular hypertension. But there are some cases in which glaucoma occurs, even when the pressure inside the eye was normal. A quick review of eye anatomy will help understand better what causes glaucoma: There is a liquid-filled in the front portation of eyes called aqueous humor, which helps in nourishing the tissues inside our eyes, and it is essential for maintaining the eyes to its regular shape. This liquid is produced constantly within the eye in a structure called the ciliary body, which is behind our iris. It drains from the eye through a mesh-like channel known as the trabecular meshwork. It is located in the angle formed inside the front of the eye. It is the place where the cornea meets the iris. Intraocular pressure (IOP), is determined by the balance between how much aqueous humor is being produced by the ciliary body and drains through the drainage angle. If something causes this drainage angle to close down or the trabecular meshwork to become clogged. The aqueous humor will not be able to drain at its regular speed, which further leads to increased IOP beyond the normal range and increases the risk of glaucoma.

The usual type of glaucoma occurs when intraocular pressure becomes too high for a long interval of time. It puts the outward pressure on the inner walls of the eye. It further leads to damaging the optic nerve in the back of the eye that carries information from the eye to the brain. This process of increasing eye pressure takes several years before the optic nerve damage starts to affect your eyesight. In some cases, it occurs relatively quickly. Its early diagnosis and treatment of high eye pressure help to prevent glaucoma.

There are several other things which leads to high eye pressure and glaucoma: Such as

  • Family history of the same disease
  • Hereditary predisposition to glaucoma. 
  • Underlaying conditions like high blood pressure or diabetes 
  • Use of steroids or some other certain medications regularly. 
  • Eye trauma 
  • Eye injury 
  • Thinning of corneas 
  • The clear layer in front of your pupil's 
  • Extreme nearsightedness or farsightedness. 
  • Being over age 60 

Sometimes, this disease does not have a known cause.
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