Try Doing These Room Exercises at the Budget Hotels in Delhi

Posted by Manish Kumar
Aug 2, 2019

Travelling to a new place brings a lot of fun and excitement along, however, it does steal a few things. For all the fitness junkies who love to work out on a daily basis, travelling and staying at the budget hotels in Delhi surely steals away their workout sessions as these hotels do not provide for a gym or fitness club. The good news is – you can always workout and perform light exercises even when you are travelling and staying at the budget hotels in Delhi near Railway Station.

Before you begin to start up with any exercise, make sure not to extend your workout session for more than 30 minutes. Here are the top exercises that you can try doing within your room at the budget hotels in Delhi:

  • Inchworm

This exercise has the best results on the abdominals, triceps, as well as obliques. Start standing with feet shoulder-width distance and hands hanging on to your side. Bend your knees and hinge at the hips such that you form a V-position with your hands touching the ground. Keeping your core engaged, walk your hands back in towards your toes. Repeat. This is a fun movement.

  • Mountain Climbers

In order to start with mountain climbers, start in a push-up position, keeping your shoulders over the wrist and your core engaged. Bring your right knee in towards the chest and then back to the starting position. Do the same with the left knee. Keep on repeating these movies. Mountain climbers are a great exercise for your glutes, quadriceps, abdominals, and hamstrings. This exercise is a must-try at the budget hotels in Delhi.

  • Push-ups

Push-ups is the most basic and common exercise that you can perform in your room at the hotels in Delhi near Railway Station without the use of any equipment. Start with a plank position with the feet close together. Keep the shoulder over your wrist, core tight, and your back fit. Fingers should be pointed towards and elbow should rest at an angle of 70-degrees from your torso. Try to lower whilst keeping your back flat, abs engaged, and your neck parallels to the spine. Once your nose touches the ground, push yourself up. Repeat.

  • Jump Squats

Jump squats are the best kind of exercise for your abdominals, glutes, lower back, hamstrings, as well as quadriceps. To perform jump squats in the correct form, stand with the feet shoulder-width distance. Keep your chest up and out. Hold your hands out in front of you at shoulder height. Now, sit back and down as if you are going to sit on a chair. You are naturally going to bend forward. As you come down, your knees must remain slightly behind your toes and butt. Your hamstrings should come closer to your calves at the bottom of the motion. Push through your heels and then try to return to the position where you began this workout. Engage your core and start jumping with power to land as softly as possible. Repeat.

These easy exercises at the budget hotels in Delhi are surely going to complete your workout session without any hassle.

Read More Information:- Ginger Hotels

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