Tips for safe workouts

Posted by Smith Diana
Jan 12, 2016

Some of these exercises, although popular, are risky for joints. Here are some tips to reduce the risk of injury, if you still want to include in your training program:

Driven by the scruff bar:

- Exercise the chest, the machine or with dumbbells is much safer for the shoulder joint and East Ede items

- It is not appropriate to lower the bar below the base of the skull; 
- the movement slow and controlled runs avoiding sudden changes of direction;

Waving dumbbell from the stand:

- Do not get back in time because of the risk of injury lifting dumbbells spine 
- correct movement begins with dumbbells in front, palms look one towards the other, elbows slightly bent and body slightly bent forward;

Ramat vertical:

- If possible take this exercise in pulling a rope pulley and triceps, regulating ungiurile you prefer

- Do not keep your elbows parallel to your target if you are the deltoids bar sideways and leaning back toward excessive; 
- elbows should be pointing upwards, about 25-30 cm distance between your palms;

Curls bar:

- Exercises for biceps with dumbbells are preferred or EZ bar (less stress on the forearms)

- Do not lean back, you risk an injury to the spine; 
- keep elbows trunk, not in front of his 
- do not push to raise the bar biceps effort is no longer expected;

Driven by lying horizontal bar

- Pushing the dumbbells allow greater movement race and using lower weights, protecting joints

- Do not raise your pool when pushing weight bench; 
- elbows should not "run" on the sides, but as outside it; 
- inhale and exhale when grautatea descend during weight lifting;

Ramat from bent with dumbbell

- Are preferable exercises where the chest is supported

- Lift the bar when not round the back, it must remain straight throughout the exercise; 
- little toes facing outwards 
- bar must be raised as the sides toward the lower abdomen;

Helcometru neck traction

- More reliable are thrust to the chest msi

- Do not try to lower the bar below the shoulders, often occurring injury this execution, the will 
- lower the bar to the neck to the base of the skull;


- Do not step in front too wide; 
- thigh with leg support leg must make an angle of 90˚; 
- right column, chest out; 
- do not use large weights properly executed this exercise will even squeeze energy a pair of dumbbells light;

Lifting the trunk bank

- Do not get up throughout the movement with back straight; 
- avoid excessive end squatting movement and a tendency to press too hard on the neck; 
- movement must be short (10-12 cm) and maximum contraction at the end;

Extensions helcometru 

- Do not raise your elbows; 
- keep elbows from the body 
- arms extend in the final position; 
- if you have to bend and to "climb”, the weight to make the movement means that weight is too high.

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