
How to Instantly Gain and Retain More Customers via Mobile

by Buana Sari Digital Marketer

The mobile revolution has transformed digital advertising. Now it is all about mobile devices, technologies and the mobility offered by them to the new-age customers. Globally mobile users exceed desktop users. 95 percent of Americans own some sort of mobile device, and 77 percent specifically own a smartphone. Additionally, 69 percent of customers worldwide belonging to the age group18 to 39 use mobile devices to research products before they purchase. 44 percent use tablets.

Mobile technology now plays a key role in how marketers can generate leads, acquire more customers, engage and retain them. Therefore, it is becoming even more important for brand marketers to cater to the mobile experience of customers for attracting them quickly and retaining them. Targeted mobile advertising campaigns can reinforce marketing efforts, increase market expansion, cultivate authentic customer relationships, improve brand loyalty, and in turn, enhance customer retention for brands.

But all that is easier said than done. Gaining customers quickly and ensuring customer retention in a mobile-first world needs a more strategic approach. Retaining customers involves getting them engaged and keeping them engaged all throughout their lifetime - from onboarding to post-purchase. With mobile technology being everchanging, brand advertisers constantly need to look for appropriate mobile advertising tools to enhance reach, engage and retain customers.

Advertising platforms like moLotus, HubSpot, InMobi, YouTube, FaceBook, AdColony, etc. are empowering advertisers to target the right customers quickly and enhancing engagement during the entire customer journey. Ultimately, it has been observed that brands that incorporate such mobile tools into their customer retention strategy scale their businesses rapidly.

Luckily, here are a few tips and suggestions that will help advertisers to gain more customers instantly via mobile technologies and platforms, yielding better customer retention:

1. Utilize the Power of Mobile Video Campaigns

Mobile videos are fast gaining popularity among customers. In the last few years mobile video-based campaigns have become the main source of leads for businesses. Data published in highlights those videos made up 78 percent of total mobile traffic by 2019, and 50 percent of those views happen on mobile devices. Mobile videos attract more leads instantly, nurture them and eventually convert leads into actual sales.

To embrace mobile video marketing for lead generation, advertisers should resort to real mobile advertising platforms like moLotus, which easily incorporates storytelling for customer engagement and captures more leads instantly. Earlier advertisers have been heavily relying on video platforms like YouTube, Facebook and Instagram for conveying brand stories and generating leads.

A platform like moLotus is quickly replacing such social media platforms by enhancing video storytelling capability for lead generation. Brand advertisers have the opportunity to use other rich media formats including brochure, greeting, slideshow, showcase, etc. other than videos. They can add voice-overs, product pictures, and music for creating the ads in the form of eye-catching storyboards and video messages. Above all, moLotus offers high impact mobile videos up to 40 seconds having potential to get more leads and that too quickly.

2. Deliver Unique Loyalty Campaigns

Uniquely designed mobile loyalty campaigns work best in incentivizing new customers.  They quickly agree to share their contact details in exchange for the incentives. Often these loyal customers who happily share their personal data, convert and transform into brand advocates from one-time customers. Incentives or rewards could take several forms including discounts, special offers, etc. Mobile-based reward programs have proved to be the best lead magnets. These are being used by brand advertisers across the globe to incentivize customers to provide their data in the form of leads.

Surveys reveal that well-designed reward campaigns run via mobile marketing tools like moLotus, Leadpages, Marketo, HubSpot, OptinMonster, etc. can be of great help in instant lead generation.

moLotus mobile video customer interaction platform has transformed loyalty campaigns to the extent of improving customer experience 360 degrees for brands. They have been able to build strong rapport with their customers via mobile loyalty campaigns. These campaigns are motivating customers to stay connected with brands and offer valuable contact information from time to time. So far they have engaged a massive customer-base via automated and personalized greetings, renewals, rewards campaigns; converting them into fresh leads again and again.

3. Attain More Reach

As mobile devices become the favorite gadgets for Millennials and Gen Z customers, mobile lead generation campaigns are becoming imperative for marketers to reach a huge customer base. Mobile marketing platforms offer the required reach thus more leads to brands.

If latest research is to be believed, a breakthrough mobile technology like moLotus, offers the most extensive reach and scalability exceeding platforms like Facebook, YouTube, etc. Advertisers are capable of generating instant leads through direct and instant message delivery into the inbox on all mobile handsets, no matter what the model or phone type is! Most importantly, moLotus is absolutely spam-free requiring no mobile application download or data plans.  Mobile app-based lead generation tools like InMobi are also trying to compete with moLotus in terms of offering leads by extending reach.

4. Boost Customer Interaction

Ad experts have observed that better customer interaction positively impacts lead capturing. traditional advertising took to bombarding customers with adverts pushing them to give their contact info.

Performance oriented mobile lead generation tools offer many customer response options acting as points of easy conversation between brands and customers. These make it easier for customers to share valuable personal info acting as leads.

Therefore, advertising experts nowadays recommend brands ‘pulling’ customers via new-age advertising platforms like moLotus, offering easy customer interaction options like USSD, Web URL, Callback, SMS, etc. rather than ‘pushing' out via spam messages. Some advertisers are using platforms like Zembula, TwtPoll, and more for communicating with customers, winning their trust, acquiring more customers and retaining them.

5. Create Personalized Campaigns

Advertisers should focus on developing personalized mobile ad campaigns for lead generation. This fact has been substantiated by a recent survey by Salesforce. It revealed that 57 percent of seven thousand mobile consumers surveyed preferred to share their personal information in exchange for personalized product recommendations or individualized shopping experiences or custom offers.

In mobile advertising, individualized lead magnets work as the key differentiator for brand advertisers. More and more ad experts are adopting tools like moLotus, HubSpot, Optinmonster, etc. for designing hyper-personalized lead magnets ensuring highly effective lead generation and conversion.

It is worth mentioning that moLotus offers multiple hyper-personalization options including customer name, unique customer Id, individual greetings, offers, and more. The hyper-personalized moLotus mobile ads engage a massive customer-base better and capture more leads. The technology personalizes the content using the customer data & deep intelligence. The hyper-personalized content reaches directly to the mobile inbox of the user and remains intact until deleted by the user himself.

6. Focus on Customization

Mobile advertising works better at lead generation if the ad campaigns are customized. Advertisers can optimize their mobile campaigns as per language, location, online customer behaviors, goals, attitudes, interests, changing perceptions and other criteria in order to get more leads. Big brands seeking more leads have been benefited by customized mobile lead gen ads.

Salesforce survey data highlights how the high performing businesses are using data-targeting and segmentation via mobile in capturing leads. 51 percent more of these businesses are using data-targeting and segmentation via mobile for lead generation than their underperforming counterparts.

Mobile marketing tools including moLotus, AdColony, HubSpot, Facebook, etc.are assisting brand advertisers in customizing mobile campaigns. moLotus campaigns can target huge customer data at micro-levels according to languages, demography, and more maximizing lead generation for businesses. It is rapidly replacing other lead generation tools.

7. Mobile Automation Opportunities

One of the biggest bottlenecks to lead generation has been the time lag in lead capturing. Not anymore! Mobile automation is helping advertisers in automating the entire lead generation process; getting maximum leads in a short span of time at low cost. moLotus, Leadfeeder, Marketo, Hubspot, Pipedrive, etc. are few tools that offer unique automation capabilities making lead generation a much faster, smoother and convenient process.

moLotus technology has automated and digitally transformed lead generation processes, making it seamless with speed, agility and cost savings. Furthermore, its AI-powered mobile automation gives advertisers access to high-quality leads, track all interactions with the leads at low cost per interaction and finally convert the leads into paying customers.  They can channelize their efforts in the right direction.

8. Take Advantage of Upselling & Cross-selling

Upsell and cross-sell campaigns directed towards mobile users contribute more leads than generic campaigns. Upselling campaigns entice customers to purchase comparatively high-ticket products than the ones purchased earlier by them, while cross-selling campaigns encourage customers to purchase complementary products. Both of these strategies should be used by mobile advertisers more often to scale customer demand, leads and sales.

Several tools like moLotus, Leadpages, HubSpot, WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, etc. come in handy for running both upselling and cross-selling campaigns gaining leads. However, the choice of appropriate tool is important for ensuring more leads. Big brands are rapidly using the breakthrough moLotus mobile tech through which they can quickly create unique cross-selling and upselling campaigns. The campaigns target customer databases to capture quality leads and boost retention.

9. Prioritize Customer Education

Research has shown that educating customers via mobile campaigns influences them to share their contact information, improving lead generation and customer acquisition. Advertisers should therefore emphasize educating customers via mobile media.

On account of the rising popularity of mobile videos among customers, big brands are using platforms like moLotus to educate and entice consumers. moLotus storytelling capabilities, educate customers about new products. Advertisers have discovered the potential of moLotus in delivering training content directly delivered into customer’s inbox.  As a result, there has been phenomenal growth in engagement and customer retention.

10. Emphasize on Campaign Tracking

Performance evaluation is a must for any successful lead generation campaign. Mobile platforms empower advertisers to easily track the performance of lead gen campaigns. They can conveniently tweak lead generation campaigns in real time with evolving consumer preferences. Also, enhancing the campaigns for superior results in the form of more leads is possible.

In fact, mobile lead generation tools like moLotus offer conversion tracking which is one of the most powerful metrics that gauge the success of lead generation campaigns. It provides robust real time campaign tracking and big data analytics enabling advertisers to keep a watch on the campaign performance. Advertisers can optimize the campaigns to get more leads.


Mobile technology predominates the entire lead generation process. Mobile advertising platforms like moLotus, YouTube, HubSpot, Facebook, etc. are having instant lead capturing and quick conversion potential. More and more advertisers are creating innovative campaigns using these tools. As a brand advertiser, you should communicate better with your customers via mobile devices, co-creating superior experiences. Customers will respond favorably to your gestures in the form of more and quick leads!

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About Buana Sari Professional   Digital Marketer

1,032 connections, 65 recommendations, 2,846 honor points.
Joined APSense since, December 5th, 2021, From Singapore City, Singapore.

Created on Sep 1st 2022 03:27. Viewed 330 times.


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