
8 Greatest Self Improvement Tips of all time

by APSense News Release Admin

A positive attitude is absolutely essential if you wish to succeed in life. Believing that you can and will achieve great things, and believing in your own abilities, is the first and arguably most important step. Believing you can succeed is as important as actually having ability or skill because if you don't believe you are able to do something, you won't even try.

My name is Vikas Solanki, an award-winning restaurateur from India and in this post, I would like to share the 8 greatest self-improvement tips that will empower you to achieve all your dreams and become the best person in the world.

#1. "Know thyself." - Socrates

Socrates was a well-known Greek philosopher who spent his life asking people questions and in turn, pushing them to think for themselves. His best-known student, Plato, wrote down many of his philosophical teachings in the form of Socratic dialogues. In these dialogues, Socrates tells his students that the first step to wisdom is self-knowledge.

He suggested that people ask themselves questions like, "What kind of things do I know?" and "What kind of things do I not know?", so they could begin to understand better how much they knew about life. Socrates found these questions so important to his quest for wisdom, he famously stated, "The unexamined life is not worth living."

#2. "There are three things extremely hard: steel, a diamond, and to know one's self." - Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin was one of the Founding Fathers of America, an inventor who helped create the first American public library among many other accomplishments. But even before he was doing all that, Franklin promoted the philosophy of minimizing waste and maximizing efficiency.

He lived his life according to thirteen virtues which he felt were important to success in life, such as cleanliness, moderation, humility, and punctuality. Many of these virtues related directly back to achieving self-knowledge so one could know what habits they should try to change or improve upon for maximum personal effectiveness.

#3. "The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ralph Waldo Emerson was a 19th-century philosopher who greatly influenced America's Transcendentalist movement. His works exerted an important influence on many leaders of the American abolitionist and women's suffrage movements.

One of his best-known quotes encourages people to think for themselves, instead of following the crowd or doing what's expected. By deciding to be the person you want to be and not just who others say you should be, you can take control of your own life and succeed at becoming a better version of yourself.

#4. "The mind is everything. What you think you become." - Buddha

The teachings of Buddha were passed down by oral tradition until they were finally written in the Pali language circa 500 BCE. Since then these teachings have been one of the major religions in Asia with over 600 million followers worldwide today.

The Four Noble Truths are one of the most popular sets of beliefs in Buddhism which form important concepts in meditation and mindfulness. The Four Noble Truths teach people to be aware of the world around them and to understand what they can control and what is beyond their control. People who meditate in order to develop better self-knowledge and awareness, tend to be more successful in life because they learn that how you think affects every aspect of your life.

#5. "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ralph Waldo Emerson is one of the most influential philosophers of America's Transcendentalist movement. He wrote, "To be great is to be misunderstood", which has since become a part of pop culture through T-shirts, greeting cards, and tattoos.

Another quote related to self-knowledge comes from his essay, "Circles". In this essay, he says that people must learn to understand themselves better in order to find their true destiny. One way people can do this is by living with an open mind where they aren't too stuck on who they are to be or how things have to be.

#6. "The whole of science is nothing more than a refinement of everyday thinking." - Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein was a theoretical physicist and Nobel prize winner who developed the general theory of relativity in 1915, which helped explain how gravity works. But he also contributed greatly to quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics, all of which help people better understand the world around them and what they can do to invent new things that will make life easier or more fun for everyone.

One quote from Einstein relates directly back to self-knowledge because it states that you should try to refine your own thoughts by learning about who you are and what you want out of life. By gaining this type of knowledge, people can achieve their goals faster and become better versions of themselves, which will make it easier to communicate and work with others as well.

#7. "You can never quit. Winners never quit and quitters never win." - Vince Lombardi

Vince Lombardi was a professional American football player, coach, and executive who is considered by some people to be the greatest coach in NFL history. He learned how to motivate his teams by developing mental toughness and always encouraging them to do their best without expecting anything in return.

One quote from him states that winners do not quit because they understand that quitting is an admission of defeat which allows somebody else to become successful instead of you. People only fail when they lose focus on what's important and don care enough about success or self-improvement.

Winners are always improving themselves, learning new things, and finishing what they begin without giving up because they truly believe that quitting is for losers.

#8. "The ultimate value of life depends upon awareness and the power of contemplation rather than upon mere survival." - Aristotle

Aristotle was a Greek philosopher who was one of the first people to study biology in-depth. He established many fields of philosophy, including logic, metaphysics, ethics, aesthetics, political theory, and zoology.

One quote from him relates closely to self-knowledge because it states that the ultimate purpose for human beings is to contemplate their own existence and how they can improve themselves through knowledge.

People gain this knowledge by living positive lifestyles where they learn new things about society and about what's important in life on a daily basis. This will make you stronger as an individual because you won't be letting your problems get in your way.

You will always be learning new things that improve your life and you won't worry about trying to fix the old problems because they would have already been resolved in a timely manner.


These quotes can be a source of inspiration for many people who are trying to improve themselves by learning more about their thoughts and how they relate to society around them.

They can show you that life is much easier when you're always trying your best because there's nothing better than succeeding at something you've put your heart into.

I wish you the best on your path to self-improvement and thank you for reading!

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Created on Oct 10th 2021 14:24. Viewed 337 times.


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