Important Facts On Anxiety Attacks
Although they are usually not very serious, panic attacks do have the potential to be a troubling, and even debilitating in some instances. There is usually no way to predict when an attack is going to happen or how severe it may be. Although they are usually unpredictable, they can generally be treated somewhat easily. If you or someone you know suffers from this condition you may be interested in some information. Also known as an anxiety attack, a panic attack will manifest differently from individual to individual. It is typically defined as a sudden episode of emotion. These episodes will vary in severity and length. They are often mild, but can be very traumatic and debilitating. An attack can last anywhere from several seconds to several minutes. They can occur for no reason, but may also be caused by various types of triggers. These attacks are very common. For most people they are very infrequent, often only occurring once or twice over the course of their lifetime. Others, unfortunately, may suffer with the issue chronically. When this is the case, it can be a sign of a chronic condition known as panic disorder. Once dismissed as merely nerves or stress related, panic disorder has since become recognized as a real and potentially serious medical condition. Generally, the impact of panic disorder is psychological. They have the potential to impact our social lives and our professional career. Some people may avoid certain social functions because of fear of an attack, or avoid an important business trip because a fear of flying may spur an episode. They can also be dangerous if they occur while driving a car, operating heavy machinery, or participating in some other dangerous activity. Cases this extreme are fairly rare, with most attacks being quite manageable and posing no physical threat. There is not a universal cause of this issue, but there are many factors that may contribute to the problem. These include an individual's genetics and family history of panic disorder, stress, diet, changes in brain function and other types of mental health issues. There are a variety of situations or events that can act as a trigger, causing an attack. A person's attitude and disposition, along with the fear or panic over an upcoming event, can be things that cause one of these episodes. Symptoms of an episode manifest both physically and mentally. They usually occur very suddenly. The sufferer may begin sweating, with an increased heart rate. Other physical signs of an episode include flushing, trembling, nausea, and shortness of breath. There are many emotional states that an individual may experience, usually fear and apprehension. They also may experience feelings of guilt, depression, and a sense of impending doom. Luckily, there are many ways to treat these issues. One of the most common methods of treatment comes in the form of psychotherapy. It is called cognitive behavior therapy, which is an effort to adjust thinking patterns and deal with triggers that cause these attacks. There are also many types of breathing techniques and other ideas to calm an individual down and sometimes prevent an attack before it occurs. A doctor or therapist may also recommend various types of medication to ease symptoms. Although they are very common, panic attacks are rarely serious and pose no real medical risk. They can have undesired effects on an individual's lifestyle, and can be dangerous if an attack happens at a dangerous moment. Luckily, these cases are rare and most individuals are able to treat the issue with relative ease. It is important that you seek an official diagnosis with a medical doctor who can then direct you to the correct method of treatment if it is necessary. Find great tips to fight those panic attacks by going online. There are several articles that will share methods and ideas with you. Head online now and learn more. |