Wow! That's all I can say is Wow!
All too often Men and Women shoot off emails and messages of all sorts in anger or gut response to anothers message. Why don't we all take a breath and think about things. Given a new day, or even an hour we might not feel the same. Will we regret the message we just sent the other member, skype person or Yahoo person we just fired off at? Should we? Most of us can own up to when we make mistakes, but how can we get those who just fire off, to realize this is NOT the best way to go about things. Personally one way I have done is avoidance. Maybe not the best way, but I am not on this earth to cause anyone heartache, especailly myself.
All too often however I too see the hot emails, yahoo messages and comments flying around, and that really the way you want yourself represented? Firing off at someone without clarifying things? Did you have a bad day? Remeber we are all business minded people, and as such...we should keep in mind...because those looking at your business to shop certainly will, as will those that chose to network with you. Don't care, ok!