What makes a hot blog?

Posted by Carole
Feb 14, 2008

I don't have all day to sit and blog like I would like.  I've written blogs on all kinds of topics.  I have outside blogs and blogs on each of my networks.  I know my wordpress blog gets read.  I can see what people choose to read.  Or at least I think I can.  So what makes a hot blog in Apsense?  Is it because I am not here that often?  I have friends who swear they get thousands of hits.  Maybe I am not focused enough, or just not writing anything interesting. 

I even joined a blogging network here..that fizzled.  I think the world about blogging is fascinating...The world of bloggers is its own little subculture....


I appreciate any help anyone could give me...especially on outside blogs.  I tried to put google analytics on my blogger...but it got all technical and over my head.

Thanks for reading if anyone has, and I will see you in the blogoshpere!



Comments (2)

Very good points. One of my outside blogs is about my very biusy life, and try to make it stick to that. Right now it is gearing up for an auction we are having for a young first time mom.


Apr 6, 2008 Like it
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