My space, yuwie, Apsense, or personal blog
Which do you prefer? I used to love myspace. My old account which I plan to still get into, is a total bleeding heart liberal site. I am in full support of it too. I just can't get into it. That's the problem with my space! The other problem is for me anyway, that everyone on my space is to wrapped up in their own little world to network. So we all just post bulletins, and keep posting them in hopes that someone will eventually respond. Talk about rude!
Yuwie, well that is similiar to myspace as you may have well heard. People join clubs just for a few pennies, then disappear. Would you do that to your friends in real life. Unfortunately, we all have friends that do. I have to say, I have better online friends than I do family or irl friends. That is a sad realization.
I do prefer Apsense over the three, and my personal blog doesn't get much attention. So when you complain about Apsense, take a look around the internet. You might not be complaining so much. Just my random thoughts.
Happy holidays
Comments (3)
Allen Daniels
I think you are right. I just joined Yuwie and so far I am not impressed. I want a site I can use with out setting up a profile with all the bells and whistles.
I might just be getting a bit older. lol I like it a little slower:)
Allen Daniels
Making Money Online ...
Seems to be a much calmer atmosphere here
a lot more friendly and polite.
Emily Tanksley
Good thoughts!
I really like Apsense.. It is REAL. You can complain, laugh, and I have read a couple of blogs that just made me outright Bawl.