Am I invisible???

Posted by Carole
Apr 1, 2008

I admit I am going to have to cut down on some internet time, but honestly, am I invisible.  This is the trouble I find with some sites.  I have responded to discussions and blogs yet no one even views my discussions or blogs!  I even gave some great tips I found in another group, yet no one has even bothered to look.   So goes the question are we all here to network, or just spam broke moms and dads.  I would like the answer to my question hopefully answered....Is anyone out there???



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Comments (15)
William Carter

Internet Radio Station Owner

Hi, your pal Sluggo the new biker coffee guy on the block hears and sees ya! Guess there's too much information on the Information highway ay! I came here to try to promote my coffee business and SFI AND to learn from other marketers as I'm a pick and shovel man! I hear ya Carole.

Oct 11, 2010 Like it
Sueli Moreira

Voc? n?o ? invisivel n?o. As vezes me sinto assim tambem, continue, persista, reveja seus erros e acertos, em breve muitos lhe ver?o e ai voce ira sorrir e dizer eu sou visivel.

Mar 30, 2010 Like it
Shanni Einer

Hello Carole. I Feel Just The Same A Lot Of The Time. I Have Some Great Tools On My Home Page For WAHM's And A Great Business To Go A Long With It. If You Want More Visibility, My WAHM Resources Can Help. I Run A Free Traffic Exchange, If You Want To Join That, Feel Free To Do So. I'm Going To Join Your Forum. I Have A Forum Too On My Website CHAMBOURIN.COM Just Go To [url][/url] And Sign Up. I'm A WAHM Too So I Have A Lot Of Great Things There Too. Anyone Who Is Readi

Apr 3, 2008 Like it
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

There's a bit of a lull around here. Just a few die-hards still hanging in there but it is rather deserted. You are not invisible it's just not that much traffic.

Apr 2, 2008 Like it

okay, so let's see if this works, like I said...learning plenty!


Apr 2, 2008 Like it
Jean DAndrea


Hi Carole,

Just clicked on your name, but afraid I got an error.

Played with the URL until it read

and it then worked fine. You might like to check it out yourself.


Apr 2, 2008 Like it

I am learning alot on the internet. That is for sure! I am learning not to bare my sould to those who I may consider my friends over and over again. Not sure how many times I will learn that lesson. I think I learned to show how my site is clickable...Let's see is it

Apr 2, 2008 Like it
Cindy Bolley


Carole. I must admit I have been around to the other sites
But APSense is like an ole' shoe,
It is a perfect fit.
Perhaps It was because I was in almost at the begining and have been through the growing pains.
Whatever it is, I can find my blogs that I post here at APSense on Google. That is so very important when your marketing online. It lets others know your a real person.
The others that promised me money were nothing but ads ads and more ads, I don't really see the need for that. And

Apr 1, 2008 Like it
Karl Rose

I have to agree with all of the comments posted here. I also feel invisible myself too. I try to create NEW blogs with a message and if a link or URL is helpful to what I am saying then I refer to it at the end. I try to IMPROVE on my blog writing. I admit I am not the best. I read ans see what the TOP members do and HOW THEY approcah things. One thing I will NEVER do is something like this "THIS is a GREAT site! Please JOIN my site by clicking below!". THAT is what I consider SPAM, even if it i

Apr 1, 2008 Like it
Jeff Greene

Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant

Do your best and bring your best, regardless of the responses that you recieve or don't recieve...

Practice writing under the toughest of conditions, this will surely prepare you for slow times to come. The worst of conditions develops from a lack of desire, or action on your part... Believe me, I have the scars to prove it...

If I should allow the pace of others to dictate to me when I should create, I will be in serious trouble... Blogging is really an Organic action, and like all org

Apr 1, 2008 Like it

Wow I was wondering that myself on here feeling like Omega man
Say hello Thanks
check out my new blog is your into that

Apr 1, 2008 Like it
Not Here

just want my account deleted

Hi Carole,

It does seem like the majority are here to spam(although they might not even realize this is what they are doing!)...those who aren't are either off doing other things or just sick of the same old I think...seems to be a problem among most of the networks, everyone's too scattered.

Apr 1, 2008 Like it
Jean DAndrea


Certainly am out here Carole. And I do understand where you are coming from - some
of my blogs never seem to have visitors, but then others do well. You can never tell
what's going to catch peoples interest.

Recently this site has gone through a quiet patch, but I think some of the
regulars are back now. Hopefully, we'll all start getting a few more hits to
our blogs and discussion groups.

Oh yeah, it's not just moms and dads who're broke - us single people are
broke too! :-)


Apr 1, 2008 Like it
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