* Looking for Mr Goodbar *
Are you looking for the Mr Goodbar of getting Web Traffic?
If one has a limited advertising budget, balancing time against
money is not small feat. Here are some ideas on Safelists &
Traffic Exchanges that just popped into my head. Let's hear
your feedback and ideas on the subject.
Traffic Exchanges
Clicking credit links is very time-consuming. One has to open each email, scroll to the link and open it. Then close
all the windows or tabs. |
Since surfing is done in a frame. Clicking credit links goes a lot faster. And if you use tab browsing, it simple to switch back and forth between exchanges, to break up the monotony.
Although you earn a lot
more credits for each credit link, from my experience, you'll only get a small percentage of clicks to your site. The best I've ever gotten is about 30-40%, and that was phenomenal. |
If you're a free member, you'll probably get only a fraction of a credit for each of your clicks. Some TE's do give free members a 1:1 ratio, but the required visit is longer. However, when you post and assign credits, you'll get the exact number of clicks as your credits.
Along the same lines as above, if you decide to buy credits, multiply the price by three.
If you buy TE credits, you get the same number of clicks as credits purchased and you can divide them up as you please re: which days, sites and number of clicks to each site.
From my experience, as a free member of a safelist, f you've properly filtered emails in your contact account, you'll tend to have a lot more safelist credits than TE credits. So in spite of the fact that clickthroughs are far from 100%, you can always get something out and somethings always better than nothing.
Your credits will tend to go fast in a good, active TE. So there's always pressure to keep up with the clicking, buy credits or upgrade. I'm still trying to figure out which is more cost effective on a good, established TE.

Comments (19)
Karl Rose
I have had BAD experiences with BOTH. But WORSE problems w/safelists. So I no longer use them. I also cut back on the # of TE's I use. I am happy with the ones I use and I sometimes 'buy' credits. But I remain a FREE member. The reason for that is WHY upgrade when I am only getting 'window shoppers'. I don't think paying some TE a monthly fee is a wise choice. I ONLY by credits if I happen to have some good luck that week/month. It's a bit of a gamble but I'd rather spend a fee once that monthl
MichaelAp Clayton
I Earn My Income Online ...Join Me
Hi All
Traffic exchanges are good if you know how to use them. I join them all every week and then just keep the ones who do send regular traffic. I never upgrade. I only purchase traffic when there are genuine specials like 150,000 credits for $10.00 . I only purchase traffic credits if that exchange has sent all free visitors. I check my site trackers everyday.
I rarely use safe lists. Sometimes I do research and join one but they are not on my list for site promotion.
The last email
Rio Guzman
Good information! I am learning.Thanks!
Jennifer Underwood
As you all notice my time means everything to me, and typing an hours worth of work, is well, just that
so far for me has done no justice. So Good luck!
Paula Gaon
Wow! Some great posts here & a wealth of
knowledge and experience. Thanks everyone.
Does anyone have an opinion on which is
more cost-effective in a TE, buying credits or
upgrading? Of course, if you're going to pay to
upgrade, you want to know that the TE is not
going to close down in the next few days. I've
been tracking which TE's are consistently rated by
TrafficHoopla http://traffichoopla.com/cgi-bin/p6.cgi/46351/
I've bought advertising from TrafficHoopla and was pretty
satisfied, t
John Bassett
I have joined traffic exchanges and have spent more than enough time evaluating the return of time investment and found one commen flaw in all of the exchanges out there. It is a belief that in traffic exchanges that people actually read the adverts or click through a timer to see an advert run from 10 to 30 seconds before you click the next one or it self loads. What normally happens is you see the same adverts over and over again and the most popular are from people who have "Upgraded" This c
Lisa Lomas
The use I find for Traffic Exchanges are simply that your site is seen, when I say this I say it fluidly as this use means the search engines see you are getting regular visits and with high volume of content this can work excellently.
Safe lists in turn if the bots can crawl through them and get lots of hits on your page can be useful. I get alot more out of a safelist with daily reminders and clicking at the site versus
getting a hoarde of mail.
Some claim they have great marketing because
Paula Gaon
Hey OldCoot,
Well, as usual, you've given us an eyeful & cut to the chase.
Love your analogy about the High Street---and we're all strug-
gling to get there one way or another. From my experiences,
a short stint many years ago in an ad agency & personnel, a
lot of life's a numbers game--I've been told this by millionaires-lol.
If one just keeps on exposing content, products, etc evetually
a few folks will take notice, right? Hey, that's how I found
ApSense-from a safelist. We can only keep t
Paula Gaon
Hey BigRose,
Thanks for the tips. Love your comments on
having just a few and not getting bogged down.
It's so true. Sometimes it's hard to see the
forest for the trees.
Question: Which do you find more worthwhile?
Paying for TE membership or just buying credits?
Arthur Webster
Just plain honesty
Hi, Paula,
Well, I think kopter with the blatant ad has shown just why safe lists and surf sites are not very productive.
BECAUSE EVERYBODY AND THEIR LAME DONKEY ARE USING THEM! (Or making stupid and irrelevant posts to forums and blogs because some lame brain guru once said it was a good idea to do that - we are all going to click on kopter's link, aren't we?)
If you have a shop in the high street there is a good chance that you will get the occasional passer-by drop in to look around.
Paula Gaon
Hi Kopter,
Welcome & thanks for visiting Mr Goodbar BLOG.
However your comment was unrelated to the
discussion, hence deleted. Please come back
and post though. Tell us about your advertising
Karl Rose
I NO LONGER use safelists. I have had NOTHING but PROBLEMS with them. In more than one case, someone had 'piggybacked' on my acct and started SPAMMING using my safelist acct. I have had NO problems like now that I have 'rid' myself of these monsters. I only use a FEW GOOD traffic exchanges, the reason being is that way I can keep up w/clicks or buy credits at a very reasonable price if needed. Having TOO many TE's wiil bog you down and you wil LOSE everywhere. I am actually GAINING more by using
Jean DAndrea
I've found that Safelists can be ok, but quickly become saturated, once
your ad has reached all members. It's good to change your memberships
every so often.
As for TE's, they DO work, but are very time consuming. Some have very
generous rewards of credits for quizzes or bonuses - these are good as
they add to your credits for no extra work.
I agree with Peaceful, that the internet seems to be heading towards a
different way of attracting traffic. Content, content, and more content!
Indrit Shkodra
I just joined Got team and i will need some time to see if this safelist works, cause I don't need their money, just interested in marketing or advertising. About TE I can say that if you want traffic, better pay than loose time on surfing. If you want money from TE affiliate commission it works better, at least for me.
Cheryl Baumgartner
Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
It's almost impossible for me to use safelists etc. I have a home based business but chose to get into the small business consulting and group benefits side which means I am often going to appointments with owners and doing presentations. That can be very time consuming and the pace has gotten worse as people start to understand the new laws. I'm hard pressed now just to keep up with my blogging and other responsibilities in keeping my business presence on the web up.
Paula Gaon
Hi Jeff,
I totally agree with you about Web 2.0. A Web overrun with
nothing but ads is like TV with only commercials--no info
or entertainment. But let's face it. Web 2.0 depends on
surfers' participation. And not all surfers have the interest
or persistence to contribute, search out, and read content.
Like TV commercials-how many viewers run to the kitchen
or bathroom during a commercial. Sometimes we have to
find a captive audience, on the Web, those who are willing
to click for credit l
Jeff Greene
Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant
I'm looking forward to the Web 2.O evolution that is coming for these advertising platforms..
There are hints of it slowly emerging all over the Internet these days... Wise webmasters are listening to the people, and taking care to create products that offer much more convenience than ever before...
Even free members can benefit from these platforms, especially when they first launch... Content Is King, and Contributions equal Currency...
Traffic that is derived from content rich