It Doesn't Take A Rhodes Scholar...

Posted by Paula Gaon
Jun 12, 2007
We at BoomSpress
admit that we got off to a slow start.
But, we've taken note of our trials
and errors sharing a little experience
with you. Now don't think we're any
great experts--still have lots to learn.
But why not offer a little help too.

It doesn't take a Rhodes Scholar to
succeed in Affiliate Marketing, but it
does take direction, networking,
systematic work, and consistency,
and lots of patience! Like everybody else,
we've taken some hard knocks. But after
studying, and learning from successful
Affiliate Marketers, we've finally put together
a system that's working. No, we're not millionaires,
but we are seeing a steady increase in profits--and that's
what counts! Affiliate Marketing is NOT a get rich quick
proposition. In this article, we'll share some basic
steps for succeeding in Affiliate Marketing. But again,
be prepared to work.

1. Decide what you want to sell.
Do some surfing on the Web to
see what folks are looking at.
Go for what lights your fire!
If you're interested, surely
someone else must be.

2. Build your basic site, one or two pages.
This helps you to focus on what you
really intend to do.
Check out Bravenet for some great freebies and lots of help.

3. Nothing exists in a vacuum, right?
So start networking. Get to know other
WebMarketers & learn. We've been
active in AdlandPro for a couple of years.
Great folks, lots to learn from them. Of course,
we're great folks here too!

4. Now, start advertising. We recommend
starting with safelists, GotSafelist is a good
a very responsive safelist. Check our
Web Tools Page for more recommendations.

5. Finally, at least for now, keep track.
Winners keep score. Note your hits
each day; better still keep a journal.
When we see things written down,
it has a way of encouraging us to work
smarter and try harder.

Fell free to browse our Live WebPaper,
BoomSpress Times
to read the latest purple prose.

Be in touch. All of us learn from the other,
Success & Wellbeing,
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