Tips For Building A Hot Website
Here are a few tips about building a successful website.
Believe me, I've learned them the hard way.
The most important thing to remember for building
a successful and effective website is to keep it simple,
make it fun.
A marketing website should have a consistent
look about it[]--your header/logo at the top of every page, clear
and simple navigation. Surfers absolutely hate having to hunt
and search for info and are likely to give up in frustration if they
have to do too much of it. Ideally, a surfer should be able to get
to every page from every page--at least back to the home page,
which of course has all links. It's a super idea to put a Site Map
on your Index Page. This way, a surfer can get a rough idea at
a glance what info he/she will find in the site.
Now before you get all excited about building a web site, take
a deep breath! Don't go nuts trying to cram HTML code or go
broke buying the latest web editor. There are plenty of F.R.E.E
templates around and free web hosting where the technical
staff is wonderful. Again, I recommend Bravenet. We Hip Boomers started with Bravenet's f.r.e.e hosting several
years ago, took advantage of the freebie services and
learned a heck of a lot from fellow webmasters' on forums
and the technical staff. Since upgrading, the service is wonderful.
The old adage "You get what you pay for." holds very fast in web hosting.
Don't rush! Start off small, a page or two that can stand on their own. Believe me, as you continue to work, as ideas start flowing so will the number of pages in your website. Get those couple of pages up, check and double check that links work properly, then start networking and promoting.
Success & Wellbeing,
Believe me, I've learned them the hard way.
The most important thing to remember for building
a successful and effective website is to keep it simple,
make it fun.
A marketing website should have a consistent
look about it[]--your header/logo at the top of every page, clear
and simple navigation. Surfers absolutely hate having to hunt
and search for info and are likely to give up in frustration if they
have to do too much of it. Ideally, a surfer should be able to get
to every page from every page--at least back to the home page,
which of course has all links. It's a super idea to put a Site Map
on your Index Page. This way, a surfer can get a rough idea at
a glance what info he/she will find in the site.
Now before you get all excited about building a web site, take
a deep breath! Don't go nuts trying to cram HTML code or go
broke buying the latest web editor. There are plenty of F.R.E.E
templates around and free web hosting where the technical
staff is wonderful. Again, I recommend Bravenet. We Hip Boomers started with Bravenet's f.r.e.e hosting several
years ago, took advantage of the freebie services and
learned a heck of a lot from fellow webmasters' on forums
and the technical staff. Since upgrading, the service is wonderful.
The old adage "You get what you pay for." holds very fast in web hosting.
Don't rush! Start off small, a page or two that can stand on their own. Believe me, as you continue to work, as ideas start flowing so will the number of pages in your website. Get those couple of pages up, check and double check that links work properly, then start networking and promoting.
Success & Wellbeing,
Comments (4)
Rocky Pacley
Paula the point about site navigation is an essential and every feature you've mention in this post is the reason you're presentation as an on line marketer exemplifies so much class.
Good Work!
Paula Gaon
Hi Franto,
Just joined your group. Thanks for the invite. Hey, you're a smart guy.
You could easily make your own site map on the index page. A site map
is usually just a breakdown of the web site according to subjects--ie
a simple chart on the Home page would do it with each header,
and specific name a link. For example,
let's say your web site is on animals, the sitemap would look like this:
Cats Dogs Bears Birds Fish
Tabbies Collies Teddy Eagles Goldfish
Franto Hruz
Online Income Systems Development
Hi Paula,
so where can I get good Site Maps for my Index Page? Please join my group, I'd like to have you as a member!