*** Is All The Hype Making You Dizzy? ***

Posted by Paula Gaon
Jun 13, 2007

All of us see it every time we go online. Hype, right? Millions of programs and each one will make you a millionaire--let's hear it for the Easter Bunny. Every seminar or coach that I've attended or worked with breaks Net Marketing down to a few basic elements, product(s), networking, advertising, focus, web site, back ending, consistency. So really, why all the different programs? Maybe that's why it's so hard to focus, hey?

One more thing, though: Anyone have any tips on finding the Golden Path between tunnel vision (being too narrow in one's marketing) and spreading yourself too thin?

Come on, let's hear it,
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Comments (3)
Jenny Stewart

Hi Paula,

Yes, dizzy and BORED.

Jeff, your comment is verging on the brilliant"

"As with anything else, most of these programs are created by people who think that the Internet is a vaccume... That the only kinds of people that populate this Virtual Place are people who are out to make a quick buck... "

The internet network marketing world is only a very tiny part of the whole internet and that is only a tool of the real world. I guess they count on the fact that people forget this and ge

Jan 7, 2008 Like it
Jeff Greene

Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant

As with anything else, most of these programs are created by people who think that the Internet is a vaccume... That the only kinds of people that populate this Virtual Place are people who are out to make a quick buck...

All it takes is for a few programs to be a little successful, and then come the thousands of imitators... There are very few ORIGINATORS that are really successful.

HYPE is that the hallmark of imitators-- Hot air for their balloons-- which can be popped under the scrut

Jan 7, 2008 Like it
Lisa G.

Health Wellness & Wealth Consultant

You are so right. It can make one very dizzy...lol.

Jan 7, 2008 Like it
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