Do I really want an online business?

Posted by Mark Austin
Jun 20, 2007

You betcha! I can't really remember when I decided that I really want an online business. I always knew from years of working that there had to be a better way. I have always searched for a better way. I have found answers. They lie truly within. It is a deep desire to have more freedom in life. The need to not have lives turned upside down because some company decided that I wasn't needed. I'm sure many of us have faced that day in our lives. But anyway, since I love computers and internet so much, it seems like a perfect fit to have an online business.

I have tried lots of businesses before. However, when you don't know how to market online or offline, it can be difficult. I have learned many new things over the years as far as internet marketing. Either you get it, or you don't. I got it. But this time last year I had no profits. I was still working on "getting it". I really had to. I would go crazy if I have to rely on working for other people!

I, like many people that may read this have tried other online businesses. Failed at a bunch of them. I learned it's not usually the businesses fault for my failure. It was mine. Hmm, new business, same problem!

I think I quit network marketing a few times. I would take a few months off, then slowly get back into it. Each time I failed, but learned valuable lessons along the way. You have to really believe in yourself, and the product or service you are promoting.

I learned to promote myself, and solutions, not opportunities. We make money by solving other peoples problems. I have learned that helping your downline is extreemly important and benificiall! Be a good upline. I get positive results from helping people whether they are in my down line or not.

Open the lines of communication to others using as many methods as you can, blogs, forums, chat rooms, news groups, websites. We need to communicate with like minded people.

No matter what business, a grocery store or an online business, communication between like minded people are what's going to help move your business forward. Find a few people in your organization, and get to know them, work your business together as a team, help each other out, and everybody will win.

Mark Austin

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