How DO You Choose Your Programme or Opportunity?

Your Money Your Say

by Lisa Lomas
Lisa Lomas Professional  
I think this is often missed. You choose how to spend your money. I know I do.

Often though on the internet a product is presented in such a flash wrapper that we thing OMG I must have this.

I was guilty early days of jumping in on a purchase with them convincing me "you have made the best purchase".

So it comes to me to ponder the thought "Best Purchase".

We can also just like offline compare prices, have you ever put the name of the item in a search engine and found it cheaper, or even still some even give them away. My point is simply, look around first, check out different stores, you can also find some really handy Freeware dare I say it that does the same task.

Alot of these programs that promise traffic the sad reality is they work for short term most of them, some are made differently. Even worse there may be no after sales service.

Yes we should always demand service, they sold the product they should be willing to stand by it.

So buyer be ware!

Jun 25th 2007 04:40

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Jenny Stewart Professional   
Hi Lisa ,

I love the parallel - beware of internet "products" in shiny wrappers.!

And you are so right - like any other prodcut - what counts it what is inside the package not the wrapping (or advertising spiel!)

Good point on after sales - it is something that many of us forget when we "buy" and then come to grief afterwards.

Thanks for some more Common sense advice from Down Under !

Jun 25th 2007 15:58   
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