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What does APSense stand for ? The A P Sense?

by Beth Schmillen
Beth Schmillen Professional  
Have I overlooked something obvious (again!) I cannot figure out what the [color=orange]A P[/color]Sense stands for



Just because at a glance it looks like adsense?

Jun 13th 2007 21:15

Sponsor Ads


Sheryl Advanced   
I am so glad you ask that!!
I wondered the same thing!!
Jun 13th 2007 22:02   
Anand Mittal Advanced   
Now I realise that this is real... Now that I am not talking to a computer, it makes me feel good. I have just updated my profile on the AP sense page... Please check it out for me and give me your opinion....

I am on a MAC and would appreciate how my profile looks on another computer...

Thanks for replying my dear, and do keep the communication going...

Jun 13th 2007 22:08   
Lynn I. Magnate II   Earning Online Since 1999
Your profile looks great to me. I was hoping to come in here and see people taking guesses at what AP sense stands for. I kind of like "Advertising Potential" Lynn
Jun 13th 2007 22:22   
Sheryl Advanced   
It could be
Always Professional
Almost Professional
Always Perfect

There ya'go Lynn!! Is that more like it?


Jun 13th 2007 22:43   
Lynn I. Magnate II   Earning Online Since 1999
Yes, that is certainly more in the spirit..lol.. Lynn
Jun 13th 2007 22:52   
Anand Mittal Advanced   
OMG!! so many messages!!! I don't know how t deal with each one of them individually...

God!! Teach me quick. Thanks to Lynn, I have been able to reach this page, but wonder if I could do so on my own, once I get out of it!!!

Am I slow, or is it that everybody else is so fast??? Means the same ;-)

Jun 13th 2007 23:13   
Krishna ... Committed   Education Blog
Authentic Prudential Satisfying

How abt this friends

Jun 14th 2007 07:13   
Thea Westra Professional   Adding Wings To Our Unique Life Journey!
Applied Sense
Advanced Promotion Sense
Absolute Perfect Sense
Advertising Potential Sense
Advertising Popularity Sense
Advertising Program Sense
Affiliate Programs Sense
Affiliates Promotion Sense

Namaste, Thea
Jun 14th 2007 07:13   
Patrick Pierre Professional   HINT: It Requires $0 Investment
Add Public Sense
Attact People Sense
Jun 14th 2007 07:14   
Curtis Dunn Advanced   
APSense makes the bank grow larger.

Jun 14th 2007 09:29   
Sheryl Advanced   
Did you mean to say Attact People, that sounds a bit like we are all hard core spammers. LOL!
How about Attract People Sence?
Have a super day,
Jun 14th 2007 10:14   
Barbara Eyre Advanced   
Glad I'm not the only one who was wondering about the program's name! LOL

Absolute Power Sense?

hehehe Attack People Sense :-P
Jun 14th 2007 11:38   
James Max Senior   Blog Network Community

I like Thea's list - must be in their some where - but I will stick to my original' "Apples and Pears Are Good For The Bears"

I just hope Kristian doesn't come along and spoil all the fun by telling us what it means. Then we'll have to get back to work, hehehehehe!

The GoodNews team
Jun 14th 2007 11:49   
Beth Schmillen Professional   
Attracting People Sense

Jun 14th 2007 12:57   
Jennifer Underwood Professional   Promoter
All Professionals Sense??

We all are aren't we?

Jun 14th 2007 14:03   
Beth Schmillen Professional   
I posed the question as to what APSense or at least the AP stands for !! and so far it has been extraordinary guess work !!

Max messaged me to see if it had been solved. I didn't know. this subject was still on the 2nd page here at APSense ... not too hard to find!

now it will be up where more can add their assumptions !!

Will we ever know?

Jun 24th 2007 18:43   
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
I knew it couldn't just be me that was wondering that...

I like Thea's "Absolute Perfect Sense"...
Aug 12th 2007 23:27   
Teodor M. Professional   Blockchain Real Estate
Absolute and perfect... Sounds great. But in the real world we live nothing is perfect... However, we as Apsense team, can contribute a little here for making the world of business better than it is today. There were days when you could make a deal just shaking hands, but today you must write a contract like a book with at least 50 pages to make sure you got the deal and you won’t have problems. Few months ago I just had this kind of problem in my real business world here in my town. I've build a house and now my attorney have to fight to recover $22,000 because the client doesn't want to pay. My mistake was I trusted that man.
Back to Apsense, we wont be able to make it absolute and perfect, but we can contribute a lot by:
- not spamming;
- not advertising here at comment box, as is written below it: "To avoid Ads, UBB code is not allowed in comments".;
- not pushing group members to buy something from you, let them decide after they know you well enough;
- not blaming others when they make a mistake;
Enough for today.
Just think about more facts that can contribute to a better Apsense and better business.
I have named my Apsense Business page "Better Business Webucation" and will try to do my best here for helping those who don't know where to start and what to do...

Aug 13th 2007 14:42   
CatHead Advanced   
Hi Everybody,

I agree 100% Mteador, the thing I like most about networking is the ability to make contacts and work together towards a mutually beneficial goal. If "buy my product" is the first thing that comes out of your mouth I'm just gonna run the other way and never get to know you or how we could possibly help each other.

Aug 13th 2007 18:44   
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