Apsense 4 Newbies

Update your tags! I have noticed that I have to re add my tags to articles written prior to the big apsense update. So in your older articles there ar...

by Paula van Dun Retired
Paula van Dun Magnate II   Retired
Update your tags!
I have noticed that I have to re add my tags to articles written prior to the big apsense update. So in your older articles there are now no tags for people to vote on. You can only add 5 so choose wisely and pick tags that are relevant for the content of your articles. Adding the proper tags will help other people find your content.
Jun 27th 2011 10:47

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Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Yes I noticed this. But there is a way around the no tags issue. You may still add a like by clicking the Facebook like tag at the bottom of the article.
Jun 27th 2011 10:52   
Paula van Dun Magnate II   Retired
Yes, that is possible too. I have written a lot so I thought to re-tag a bunch of them every day. Since it will make the apsense search function more accurate.
Jun 27th 2011 11:05   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
I would have to retag over 400 articles. I will retag the ones I think are most important or are of greatest value
Jun 27th 2011 11:09   
Paula van Dun Magnate II   Retired
Yup would do the same if I had that many. I just discovered that you can see how many people clicked a tag. Nice to know for your self of course but also an indication for other users to see in which field a person is knowledgeable. So I think it is worthwhile putting some time in it. Especially for members with specific skills like seo, blogging, social marketing, web design, graphic design, identity theft, to name a few. And of course also for certain niches and fields of interest. I have no idea if profiles with many clicked tags for a specific tag also score higher in apsense search. Will test that in a few months.
Jun 27th 2011 11:27   
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