Business Round Table

Are you alienating your prospects with spam?

by Cheryl Baumgartner Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical...
Think honestly about this.  Spam is more than unwanted e-mails, phone calls and texts.  Spam especially in forums is also excessive posting.

A question was asked recently in ASK wondering if sites like Facebook and Twitter are dying-the answer is no they are not dying but businesses using the social media incorrectly are.  The biggest problem excessive posting by businesses.

Excessive posting is not only unnecessary, it is annoying.  It also smacks of desperation.  It like a little child standing on the baseball field during recess, frantically waving his hand in the air and yelling "Pick me! Pick me!"   That one child can be counted on to start yelling and waving as soon as the teacher picks the team captains and will continue to wave his hand around until someone gets stuck with him because there is no one left to choose from.

All his cries to be picked and desperation do him no good because he is annoying everyone.  Not to mention desperation is easily seen by others.

Let's put this in the perspective of marketing.  Constant posts shows prospects that you are desperate.  It also annoys the hell out of them and eventually to get away from you constantly annoying them-they unfollow you, unlike you or block you from their contacts.  And the fault is yours.

Facebook is a good example.  How many businesses are updating their status every hour?  Most of those businesses ar being unliked and blocked by the people who originally liked them because that business is flooding their page with garbage constantly. 

Are these businesses getting their name out there?  Yes but not for any good reason-People don't recognize them for any value that business could bring to their lives.  People are recognizing them as more spam garbage they don't want to deal with day in and day out. 

You may not think you are a spammer if you are constantly posting; but your prospects think you are and like it or not, your prospects' opinion is the only one that counts.
May 11th 2011 08:25

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Neville Dinning Professional   Independent Consultant
Mmmm... I'm not sure if I should add a comment here. I just added a comment on another article. Am I spamming? (Just kidding!)

Thanks for this article Cheryl. There was an example that I recall recently on Twitter. One of the people I follow was in one those Traffic Exchanges where you can Tweet a site. This guy filled up my whole Twitter feed with Tweets from that TE. That prevented me from seeing the Tweets that people actually put some thought into with out having to scroll through several pages.

I unfollowed him, and then ignored any programs he was promoting. So for me his efforts were counterproductive.
May 11th 2011 08:34   
Cindy Bolley Magnate II Premium   HHCTB?
Neville... I am a bit worried about posting here too
Since I just commented on another
But what the heck I will live dangerously

Love you post Cheryl

Look at me Look at me gets very old very quickly

May 11th 2011 08:51   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
I have completely dropped Twitter. I still use Facebook but my marketing there is limited. Too many people and businesses etc constantly updating their status with repetitive BS. It's not needed and it's very annoying. There's no need for it and the end result is exactly what the guy with the TE got.
May 11th 2011 08:54   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
I think we all know at least one 'attention ho'.
May 11th 2011 08:57   
Alvin E Johnson Committed   Online Marketing Connection
Spam is an indication that the person is desperate and lacking of patience to do the right thing. My old mentor used this term often, "just keep filling the tunnel", and lead generation was his expertise.
May 11th 2011 11:10   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
@AL-So true. And the thing is that those people who do it will swear on a stack of bibles that they are not annoying, they are not desperate and they aren't trying to be the center of attention. But the fact is that everyone else around them knows that they are.
May 11th 2011 11:18   
Azman Syed Committed   Keep Healthy Be Wealthy..
Since all social networking sites was joined by numbers of IM so everybody is looking for opportunities everywhere without thinking of others.. :)
May 11th 2011 13:04   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Yes they are there is no need to constantly post-especially when it is the same repetitive garbage over and over again. Everyone gets sic of seeing it
May 12th 2011 08:31   
Aravindh Reddy Senior   Web Designer, Forex Trader
ho this info is something interesting and very nice
thank you
May 12th 2011 11:44   
Andrew Efremov Junior  
I totally agree. Now, waiting for the message, I delete incoming messages too often, even if it is rewarded credits: time to read them, even taking into account the virtual reward.
May 12th 2011 20:14   
Frank Advanced   
Yes, definitely! Apart from it being very annoying.
May 13th 2011 06:55   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
@Frank-Extremely annoying but you cannot get the ones who do it to see it.
May 13th 2011 06:59   
P Elias Gonzalez Innovator   Online Network marketer
Say No to Spam! Keep the contacts instead of spaming develop a relationship.
May 13th 2011 14:09   
John Val Advanced   No Excuses
green eggs and spam muu my favorite do you like them?
May 13th 2011 15:06   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
I do not like Green eggs and spam
I do not like them with a fox,
I do not like them in a box.
I would not like them with a mouse,
I would not like them in a house.
I would not like them here or there,
I would not like them anywhere.
I do not like Green eggs and spam
I do not like them Sam I am.

Sorry, just couldn't keep myself from channeling Dr Suess!
May 13th 2011 15:09   
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