Business Round Table

Something amazing happened to me today

by Paula van Dun Retired
Paula van Dun Magnate II   Retired
This morning I woke up, took my mega mug of coffee and a cigarette and installed myself in front of my computer.
Guess what I saw when i opened APSense. It was Wincer in the chat window. I thought: Oh my gosh, what did i do to upset him?!
But it was nothing like that. He wanted my opinion about something. Don't ask me what because I won't tell. We had a long and nice chat. The point is that I felt very flattered because I am not an admin and not that long on APSense.
Anyway, it made my day. Once again a confirmation that anything is possible on APSense.
Nov 30th 2010 16:56

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Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Believe it or not Wincer does keep an eye on what happens around here and he keeps an eye on the members too!
Nov 30th 2010 17:59   
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