Business Round Table

Introduction of Patsy

by Patsy j Payne konnektions konsultant
Patsy j Payne Committed   konnektions konsultant
Oh dear, I reread the mission of the group and it said to introduce myself and tell a little about what I do.
I'm Patsy j Payne, retired USAF, cancer survivor, Infant Internet Marketer.
I was a sleeper member of APSense, in that I joined in 2008 and did nothing. A friend of mine renewed my interest a couple of months ago. I love learning about using the different tools. I have Rev pages, answered APSense questions, and have an ABC site.
My other arena's include Traffic Exchanges, social sites, safelists and learning about branding. If anyone has any questions, simply ask and I will answer.
I have developed a mini bio that I will paste here:

Oh my, my life is on such a different track. I retired from the USAF 20+years ago. Completed my Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology, worked at a non=profit counseling family violence perpetrators and then a private practice called "Conflict Resolutions Counseling". When I became disabled I bumbled around with temp agencies until I was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer. I am now 6 years cancer free and zipping around looking for a focus on line. I love social programs, surfing traffic and working physical product affiliate programs. I currently market water beads and terra-cotta pendants. Oh my, I was looking for a motivation to do my brief bio and here it is.
Kewl. I have worked many social programs from yahoo chat to Yuwie to SWOM, to APSense to Sweeva to Thumbvu.

Did I get them all. Nope forgot Ryze.
This is a touch of me. Oh I've been married 37 years and have a Son in the USN.
Nov 17th 2010 17:05

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Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Welcome to the group. Can I say the Alamo City is taking over now? ;-)
Nov 17th 2010 18:05   
Patsy j Payne Committed   konnektions konsultant
Well, let's see, one of my mentors heads the group and I am an infant, so we have the top and lower end covered. However, I'm not going to stay an infant. I should be a toddler shortly. You might ask how I'm evaluating? By the tasks I set and accomplish. My task list used to be surfing tons of TE's, not it is Work on ABC page, be active at mailing list ListQuik, update Affiliate Funnel and learn TE Toolbox. My next step is learning splash pages and marketing.
Nov 17th 2010 18:42   
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
You're doing great, Patsy. Keep it up !
Nov 17th 2010 18:45   
Paula van Dun Magnate II   Retired
I did not know you had a master degree in psychology. It is one of my fields of interest. This can certainly help you also in online marketing because you have insight in how people think. It is good to read you are cancer free and have found new goals. I am sure you are going to make it!
Nov 17th 2010 18:53   
Patsy j Payne Committed   konnektions konsultant
I will make it with the help of several mentors. Each one helps me with different aspects of marketing. I am having a ball. I enjoy coming to APSense, accumulating points, doing my mission, etc.
Nov 17th 2010 18:56   
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