Back Link Club

Why Do We Need Back Links?

by Joseph Botelho Investing One Gram at a Time
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
November 2, 2010

Why Do We Need Back Links?

Gilberto and I (Joseph) decided to create this group to allow Apsense to achieve
the ultimate goal of becoming the biggest and most recognize Social Site on the
internet for, "Business Marketing".  The objective here is to
fully understand what a backlink is and what it will do for your web
site.  Why l created this blog, several days ago, to illustrate to you the
ability it will have for you and your site.

Backlinks are the most important factor in determining your competitively high
rankings among all the search engines for the key words phrases you desire to
target.  This is a very unique concept compared to paid key word phrases
done by so called professional SEO (Search Engine Optimization).  The
reason why, is that textual content still the best and easiest to produce and
the best simply because the search engines read text the best and
fastest.  When it is all original, the problem with paid content is that
search engines have read or seen so the originality of it is lost.

So now the reason we all need more backlinks is to provide us with unlimited
clickable links that leads back to your site. This is a very important and
determine factor when it comes to determine a SERP (Search Engine Ranking
Page), the more backlinks you have, the more visible you become within search engines
such as Google, Bing, MSN etc, etc.  Without backlinks the only way anyone
who matters is going to found your site on the internet is if you supply them
with your address to your site.

Now we have learned a little about how important backlinks
are to your website, backlinks should be added on a weekly base, the more you
do the more visibility your site will have. 
Working at it and improving it, what l like to call it is playing the
game as l posted on my blog.  Having fun
learn the art of directing the search engine to your site, all we are trying to
do without having to pay for this search.

Now all of your thinking yea l know that, we all do, well
most of us.  The key answer here is l
know one thing not many of you are doing it. 
I look at your sites and l measured them to see how they perform. Why do
l do this? Well for the simple reason it is how l learn all of this stuff by
try and error, the more l do it the better l get at it.  Not many making it on the internet, when you
have the ability to generate $200,000.00 - $450,000.00 per a month then you are
doing something right.  That is gross
profits, what we would sell per month as an average.

The sad part of this l hardly ever met any of my clients,
all about trust and honor, most of my trucks went to Japan and Europe no room
for mistakes. When you have that trust, from your clients you have a pretty
good market.  I found them all on the
internet, back doing what l just shared with you.  Most of them found me, and the rest was easy.

See so far there has only been 8 new members that have
joined my blog and only three of them left comments on my posts.  See every time you visit this blog or any
other blog and leave a comment, follow that blog you have created your site to
become more visible among the search engines what we call a backlink.  So what was the cost factor TIME the most
expensive item. 

So if you are really ready to get serious on the internet
and become good at making clients come to your site, then you need to start
right now.  You need to starting adding
backlinks to your site on a daily bases, let them add up check how many back
links your site has daily, weekly, monthly by using this tool.  Before we do that, l want you to follow this
blog and learn from it, check its backlinks against your site.


This is the first step once you have done all that is
required look for the creative backlinks you can add to your site that only
Professional SEO understand their true value within making sites completed
visible to your target marketing through keyword phrases and other content we
will all try and improve our ranking and visibilities to chosen audience.


Joseph F. Botelho


Nov 2nd 2010 19:15

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Anil Kumar Advanced   PHP Consultant at CSS Player Tech.
Thanx for this information, we are also related with your comments visit us
Nov 3rd 2010 04:20   
Ryan Ives Austria Advanced   Audio Video Engineer
This made me realize the importance of backlinks. Thank you.
Nov 3rd 2010 04:31   
Vladimirs Zimaikovs Advanced  Designer
Thanks for the interesting information, my opinion is that backlinks are intended only for search engines and reach your marketing tools! However it is my opinion and I do not anymore.
Nov 3rd 2010 04:32   
Manju Advanced   
good information for all and explained clearly
Nov 3rd 2010 05:04   
Anil Kumar Advanced   blogger
the site includes a good knowledge of how wants a back link for site and I am recomends to see all of you
Nov 3rd 2010 05:28   
Louise Venison Senior   TE owner, affiliate marketer
Great blog. I think most of us who have been marketing online for a while know the importance of backlinks, but very few of us actually do anything about it. I've recently started 2 blogs, and the difference in traffic once I started to create backlinks is quite impressive.
Nov 3rd 2010 05:40   
Editha S. Senior   Entrepreneur, Freelancer
nice post about back links, I'm trying to build back links for my website also
Nov 3rd 2010 05:45   
Sayyad Zainuddin Advanced   Software Engineer
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Nov 3rd 2010 05:52   
Viktor(Buratino) Z. Magnate II   School of eBusiness
It's very interesting information. With this we need to understand and apply the necessary
Nov 3rd 2010 06:12   
Robbin Turpin Advanced   Affiliate Marketing,Internet & eBusiness
SEO,SERP And Back Links Is Something I Need ToLearn More About For My GDI Business.
Nov 3rd 2010 06:31   
Tony Dy Senior   networker
excellent well done all great compliments
Nov 3rd 2010 06:54   
Manuel Maia Innovator  
Conhe?o esta campanha muito bem e ? muito interessante
Nov 3rd 2010 07:11   
Paula van Dun Magnate II   Retired
I have you posted a comment on the blog about Twitter. Some people recpmmend abc triangle linking. What is your view about that?
Nov 3rd 2010 07:19   
BAMBANG HARIANTO Advanced   Public relation
WOW ....... really crazy free list ...... to $ 50 can simply shopping ..... Come join . ........ Prove it
Nov 3rd 2010 07:23   
DEJAN T. Advanced   Internet Surfer in All Areas
wow, nice site good job....... i learn it about this one... thank you my friend
Nov 3rd 2010 07:40   
Mariana Norman Committed   
Great sharing and it is very helpfull thank you..
Nov 3rd 2010 07:42   
Siman juntak Freshman  
Backlinks are the most important factor in determining your competitively high rankings among all the search engines for the key words phrases you desire to target. This is a very unique concept compared to paid key word phrases done by so called professional SEO
Nov 3rd 2010 07:51   
Steven Cetta Advanced   INERTIA4
I like this site. It is very interesting. Helping ApSense is a good idea, I think ApSense is an awesome site.
Nov 3rd 2010 07:54   
Kaladhar Dhulipudi Senior   
Search Engine Ranking Page as Google, Bing, MSN
Nov 3rd 2010 08:02   
Lie Wang Advanced   
nice info,thanks, good day to you...........
Nov 3rd 2010 08:18   
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