Business Round Table

APSense is rocking so put yourself in a higher gear

by Paula van Dun Retired
Paula van Dun Magnate II   Retired
When I look at the live feed i see many new members that have signed up. That is great because this way we can get more exposure for our revpages and blogs.
It also means more competition! Just copy and paste won't do the trick. There are only so many pages each member can visit so make sure yours are interesting!
So get yourself in a higher gear!
Oct 30th 2010 19:57

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Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
That is true Paula. we can only visit so many. For me the question is why bother with reading "X"'s post. If all X does is post copy past garbage and run around making spam posts I won't be bothered. However for those that I see around contributing commenting etc I will definitely come and check it out, even the bloopers because I see that they are involved and being social.
Oct 30th 2010 20:05   
Paula van Dun Magnate II   Retired
Well i guess we still have a small advantage now with being a partner and having a shield with more honnor points. However members with more honnor points will increase in numbers too. I have seen many new members with few honor points who post great content. I also visit the members who publish valuable content. I remember their faces. So when they publish something new I usually take a look.
Oct 30th 2010 20:13   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Even as Partner members, we have to be active, be out there and be seen. I've seen a lot of "high level members" who were all over the place a couple of years ago fade into oblivion. So we still can't rest on our laurels and I've see some new faces that were worth taking a look at. I can now say that I count those new faces like Warren, Dawie, Phillipe and you to name a few among my APSense friends.
Oct 30th 2010 20:20   
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