Readers are Leaders

Is Your Headline Give You Signups?

by Slawomir Sobotowski Web Designer, Admin
Slawomir Sobotowski Professional   Web Designer, Admin
One of most important thing to advertise own products, catch attention
is your headline. This is first step to get readers to own adverts. I
personally use couple Text Ad Exchange sites and Safelist where you earn
credits to setup own Solo Ads, Traffic Links, Banners itc.

*** I know that if you are only trying to earn credits the subject line
doesn't matter

but there are some subject lines that actually catch your attention,

I belong to some TAE's that send 50-60 solos a day, some safelists that
send 300-400

a day. Most of the time I just delete them, just like you, but I will
skim through

them and if there is one or two that are different I will look at those
just to see what

they are about. You need to write a subject line so make sure it is a
good one. Here

are a couple of real examples from a TAE:

1. Got a few bucks? I've Got Your MONEYMAKER!! (BAD)

2. Is there Anybody we can Trust? (BETTER)

3. A Unique Way To Earn Completely Passive Income! (GOOD)

The first one is BAD because it is nothing more than someone trying to
get your

money. When I see an ad like that I know there is nothing there.

The second is BETTER because it peaks the interest of the reader. I want
to know

the answer to the question.

The third is GOOD because "unique" means different and passive income

bet I am all for it. Put the two together like they have and I am
definitely clicking

because I just have to know what that "unique" way is.

There are massive amounts of resources available that will help teach
you to write

effective subject lines, lines that will cause your ad to stand out from
the rest. Just

google the phrase "effective subject lines" and you will find many
listings that will

be helpful.

In the mean time, one thing you can do to help you learn how to write a

subject line is to create a "hold" file in your email program and take a
little time to

review all the messages you receive. As you go through the emails, pick
out the

ones that have the most appeal to you, the ones that really catch your
attention and

make you want to read more. Save those to your hold file and later
review them

and figure out why they appealed to you. What was it that made you want
to open

those messages and reject the others? What you will find is the ones you
keep are

ones that compel you to find out more, they have your curiosity up. The
ones you

reject are ones that have already painted a picture in your mind, you
know what

they are about and you want no part of them even before you read them.

consider your own subject lines. Will they peak the readers interest or
will they

confirm what the reader already "thinks" is in the message of the email.
This takes

practice and patience. Your message may be the best the world has have
ever seen

but if you cant get someone to read it...

The Body Of the Ad You may be a little surprised with what we have to
say here

in light of what was just talked about in the Subject Line section. This
is because

of the nature of Text Ad Exchange advertising. So here goes..

OK PEOPLE, I get 100's and 100's of solo ads a day. I AM NOT READING

THE BODY OF YOUR AD. And stop making me scroll down and down and

down and down to get to the credit link, GEEZ you are giving me blisters
on my


The vast majority of Text Ad Exchange users are trying to earn credits
for their

own advertising campaigns. Because of this the body of your ad should be

more than a slight modification of your subject line and telling the
reader what to do.

With so many emails received each day it isn't possible for the
recipient to read

each one including yours, believe it or not. They are simply looking for
the credit

link at the bottom of the page clicking it and moving on. This is just
the nature of

Text Ad Exchanges.

Now, from the GOOD subject line above try this for the body of your ad:

(Believe me this will be sufficient.)

"To find out more about this Unique Way To Earn Completely Passive

please click the credit link below"... Enough said!

The Website URL - This is where it should be happening!! This is where
we all

want those viewing our ads to arrive, and this is where you will begin
to build your

business, sell your product, or promote your opportunity. BUT only if
you are

promoting the right thing.

Here's a Free Headline Analyzer Tool that help you:

Thank for reading.
I hope this help you.

Slawomir Sobotowski
Oct 28th 2010 06:55

Sponsor Ads


Paula van Dun Magnate II   Retired
Welcome Slawomir for joining this group and adding your content. The importance of a good headline for e-mails is often overlooked. I would like to ad that many servers have build in filters to send emails with certain words directly to spam like FREE etc. Even if you have white listed a service still many get in spam.
Oct 28th 2010 07:19   
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Slawomir, the headline to your thread here definitely got my attention :)
Oct 28th 2010 07:36   
Slawomir Sobotowski Professional   Web Designer, Admin
Thank you Philippe. Finnaly i post something to help everyone ;)
Your opinion good or bad is always seriously taken.
Oct 28th 2010 07:44   
Paula van Dun Magnate II   Retired
Helping others is the best way to build good connections!
Oct 28th 2010 07:47   
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Yes, and going the extra mile is even better. One simple example : my first sale was made after I helped someone who didn't know how to upload a video on YouTube. Right then and there, without her asking me too, I did a 3-minute screencast video showing how to proceed, put the video on YouTube and sent her the link to it. All she had to do was click on the link, there was the video. She was delighted.
Oct 28th 2010 07:51   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Yes the headline is all important and is what will get people to open that e-mail, it can also cause people to delete you mail without even opening it.
Oct 28th 2010 08:01   
Andre Kalis Advanced   
I have a truly amazing collection of headlines that I give away for free. It's called 'The World's Greatest Collection of Headlines'. In PDF and if anyone is interested msg me and I'll send you the download link. No sign-up required!
Oct 30th 2010 08:50   
Slawomir Sobotowski Professional   Web Designer, Admin
@Andre Kalis I think know about what You talking. Some time ago i download this PDF. And YES, this is very great collection of headlines...
P.S Check them on this free headline analyzer.
Oct 30th 2010 10:21   
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