Ethics in business

Vanity and self defense when scammed.

by Andy Anderson Owner Yuma Bloggers
Andy Anderson Professional   Owner Yuma Bloggers
To start I will say that tens of millions of people are scammed by scammers every year. It's OK to admit to being a victim.

An alarming trend is happening when dealing with Internet frauds such as and Kooday. You can point people to the terms of service and eve name the section that says all free rewards are in Paybox dollars and have zero value in real dollars and are strictly for purchases of products offered on our site. Bonus rewards may be collected upon the successful funding of your upgraded account after our launch in early 2011.

Likewise you can link to the 3800 plus scam complaints, legal filings, and court documents showing the owner of Kooday to be in serious trouble over 2 other HYIP Scams which are considered Ponzi schemes by most governments of the world. Kooday itself fits this description because all value the keywords on their engine would have had vanished the minute they allowed the ads to be linked to websites not related to the search term. They also refer to you as investors and partners and speak of ways to gain dividends once they launch. It's an investment scam and thousands have fallen for it.

The problem is, when you approach someone trying to save then loss, heartache, embarrassment, and potentially JAIL TIME on either scam, the typical response is not to check where you pointed them to see the truth but to attack the messenger and go on promoting.

This is the business world which is part of the real world. I don't know if it's vanity, thinking you would never allow yourself to fall for a scam, or you are throwing up a self defense trying to be able to plead ignorant but neither will help you any.

1. The law does not provide ignorance of the law to be a defense. You will go to jail for pleading I didn't know. Or at least face heavy fines and penalties.

2. You will lose your reputation in a heartbeat because the defensive and continuing to promote a known scam not has all honest marketers who saw the exchange or continue to see you promoting a known scam will now see you as one of the scammers not caring who you rip off so long as you personally get paid. Which is well deserved.

3. You are now a accomplice and co-conspirator in the eyes of the law instead of being a victim. See the shell of vanity or self defense wall in all actuality ensures bad things to come.
Even top marketers get scammed, robbed and burned all the time. Mike Filsame can tell you, he nearly went to jail and paid through the nose when buying a business that had SPAM complaints galore currently under investigation. Look up Instant Buzz raided by federal agents to see that this happens to everyone.

If someone says hey, the program you are in is a scam or might be a scam research it. Go to the search results or forum post they point to and read up on. Use Whois to find out the domain name owner and run a search with their name and the word scam behind it. Look for results that are from local newspaper online editions, from .gov website where it's actual court documents and dockets and crime beat sites. If you see proof positive of legal filings against them and have lost paid in or gained any money from the scam, contact you local authorities immediately and your nations Cyber Crimes unit. Let the courts seek to get your money back because as I stated above, staying in the scam and hoping it's someone else who gets burn makes you a criminal, and criminally liable.

Oct 4th 2010 04:38

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Warren Day Senior   
Good post Andy,

I think it's a "willing suspension of disbelief" sometimes just like a movie or a pro-wrestling match.
People need to realize though, This is real life and there are real consequences to our actions.
We can escape sometimes like watching a movie and temporarily accept things we wouldn't otherwise believe.
There are other times when we have to face reality, like it or not
Oct 5th 2010 14:35   
Andy Anderson Professional   Owner Yuma Bloggers
Fact is it's a dangerous world we live in, but the danger itself is only half as bad for us as our reaction. As a volunteer firefighter when I was younger they taught us about detachment mentality, a built in self defense that removes a degree of reality to shelter our minds from tragedy and disaster. When faced with a dire choice we have to train our minds to get beyond that natural detachment and on with the duties at hand. Likewise, ego and pride will throw out a wall of I would never fall for a scam, or toss in doubt like, they just slammed my program in hopes of selling their to keep us from having to admit we were in some way wrong.

Still if you don't train the brain to stop, research, and then react with knowledge and fact behind you, lasting and irreversible damage can be done to your personal brand. Instead of getting mad because someone says this is a scam, ask them what leads them to believe that, tell them you'll check out their claims and the report back on findings in favor of their allegations or against.

Case in pint GDI which has made millionaire, some folks though didn't see fast result, didn't have a good system etc.. It's a great company with thousands of fictitious scam complaints by failed marketers who simply blame the company for their own failure. A real scam as I have said in several blog and forum post though has a document trail of legal actions against the owners or fits the guidelines of a known scam. Usually both.
Oct 5th 2010 14:50   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Well Andy I don't join groups anymore but You moved me to do so with this post! Excellent advice and information is provided here but how many will take heed? I have watched One Scam promoter proceed to outright lies in an effort to promote their scam. And with the proof of their lies sitting there in black and white.

So the question is why? for what reason would anyone put so much time and energy into promoting a scam unless they stand to gain from the success of the scam? Very easy to do when the corporate information is hidden. And in most scams it's not the mastermind that gets caught, The hide their connection to the scam or distance themselves from it in time to be off the radar when the Feds start knocking. The ones left to be found are the mark and the dupes while the masterminds move on to their next scam.

It is truly sad but like I said in a recent blog post, scamming has been around since the beginning of civilization. and it will be around until it all goes down the drain. All we can do is speak up and display our own integrity. If we are lucky, our words will fall on a willing ear and prevent somebody from falling victim.
Oct 5th 2010 15:05   
Andy Anderson Professional   Owner Yuma Bloggers
Thanks my friend.

When addressing a scam the reactions hit a range of people and who you hit will dictate what kind of positive or negative outcome. We know the person we would like to be, full of honesty and integrity but these are some of the people you may be confronting.

1. The self denial victim who just can't believe they could have made such a mistake.
2. The desperate victim so far in that they really need it not to be a scam or hope that the word stays away long enough to recoup what they put in so far.
The but it's paying me crowd who for some reason don't realize that to continue bringing in vitims makes them a scammer and criminal as well so they keep profiting from their first in position on the scam out of greed.
4. The person who went in knowing it was a scam and with the mentality of I haven't been caught yet or they'll never catch me. This mentality is the norm among hackers and shoplifters as well. They keep going until caught then cry about it.
5. The scammer themselves. Scam artist do a few things to get rolling strong. They pre-load the system with dummy accounts so it looks like thousands are already in this. They operate 20-30 accounts in traffic exchanges and community sites and automate much of the process so you are dealing with auto clickers and bots, or will spend thousands of dollars from a earlier scam to blitz the program across the web under all these fake accounts.

Having been a owner/admin of a couple traffic exchanges in my time online I will tell you, this is not conspiracy this is how they operate every single day.
Oct 5th 2010 15:17   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Scamming is BIG Business. Organized crime BIG. Many of the scams out there are being used to Launder money coming in from the illegal activities of Organized crime. That one of the issues addressed under the Patriot Act, the used of scams for the purposes of money laundering and terrorist funding.

So what people need to realize is that scam may not just be a con artist trying to bilk folks out of a few dollars, it could be fronting something much bigger that will result in them being charged under the RICO Laws.
Oct 5th 2010 15:26   
Chuck Bartok Professional   Veteran Entrepreneur now Sharing
Interesting result over the past 5 years.

Have introduced PROVED marketing methods, offered affordable coaching and created Quality products...

Not unhappy about results, but so FEW people are REALLY interested in hearing the TRUTH about what need to be done to Succeed in Business,regardless the Venue.

I believe most would rather throw money away than invest in SELF,
a tactic beneficial to the SCAM Artists>

But those who seriously want to GROW and enjoy FREEDOM have benefited, so I feel rewarded
Oct 11th 2010 16:02   
Andy Anderson Professional   Owner Yuma Bloggers
That's all we can do, is be sure we are right and march forward taking the willing with us on a journey of a lifetime my friends.

Oct 11th 2010 16:11   
Paula van Dun Magnate II   Retired
I have the same experience; they shoot the messenger. There is an odd saying in the Netherlands: It is useless to give an owl glasses or a candle if the owl does not want to see anyway...
Point is you can't know upfront who is open for good advice and who is not. I feel that if only 1 of 100 listens it is worthwhile.
Oct 11th 2010 16:33   
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