Ethics in business

SPAM is it really working for you?

by Andy Anderson Owner Yuma Bloggers
Andy Anderson Professional   Owner Yuma Bloggers
You see a lot of people that just wont learn about UFC Spam, they post ads everywhere laws or no laws and then sit back and wonder, typically from their jail cell, why after 50 billion ads they actually lost money. Not to mention the jail cell thing and all those heavy fines.

Fact is shortcut takers are seen as being as lazy and disrespectful as they are.

In short Spammers destroy their credibility and despite a few quick sales, they have nothing left for the long term. No repeat buyers, if they have leads the leads no longer trust them, and that permanent ban list, the spam complaints, and scam complaints take their toll.

You may think, I need some quick money, but in the long term be destroying you only chance to escape the life that put you needing that quick money in the first place. Slow may be slower but the wins are bigger and there isn't a jail cell in the future of the legit marketer.

Sep 14th 2010 15:37

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Paula van Dun Magnate II   Retired
I agree Andy. And they do not only destroy their own credibility but the whole world of online home business. Therefore i am very glad with this apsense network that fights spam and scam as much as possible.
Oct 22nd 2010 19:37   
Warren Day Senior   
A point that should be covered more often, Spam is not just inane, it's also ineffective. People should stop looking for the easy way out and try to learn something.
Oct 22nd 2010 19:56   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
The problem is that doing it the right way usually requires work. Something I'm beginning to think 80% of marketers are allergic to.
Oct 22nd 2010 23:04   
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