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A Little Psychic Humour Plus A Free Tarot Reading... Recession Be Danged! :)

by Jeff Greene Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant
Jeff Greene Committed   Online Marketing...
You Know You Need A New Psychic When...

1. He/She Insists that your astrological sign is "The Armadillo."

2. His idea of an "out of body experience" involves whipped cream and women's clothing.

3. Psychics Magazine rates her just below fortune cookies, just above your mom.

Sure I can Get Rid Of That Curse For Ya, Dude!

Biff went to a storefront psychic for some spiritual guidance. "There seems to be a horrible, dark cloud surrounding me."

"I know," said the psychic, "and for a hundred dollars, I can rid you of it."

Biff thought the fee was high, but, eager to be cured, he handed over the money to the psychic. After pocketing the fee, the psychic then pulled out a book of matches and lit one.

Then Biff asked, "What do you call this dark and horrible curse?"

The psychic waved the match down behind Biff and said, "Mexican food."

Visit "Laughter Is The Best Medicine" Here!

More Jokes Here!

Free Tarot Reading...

Annoyed Psychic Dishes Out On Video...
Apr 30th 2008 10:56

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Jenny Stewart Professional   
You are amazing - you find all these oddball videos to entertain us!

Loved it!

Apr 30th 2008 16:40   
Monika & Wayne T. Senior   Time Travellers
We knew that.
Apr 30th 2008 17:36   
Jeff Greene Committed   Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant
You aint seen nothin' yet!

I'm celebrating and you all know what that means... More Odd Foods, Animals and... Well, you'll have to wait and see... :)
Apr 30th 2008 18:49   
Monika & Wayne T. Senior   Time Travellers
We knew that too!
Apr 30th 2008 18:51   
Jeff Greene Committed   Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant
Hey these tarot readings are very good, too! :)
May 15th 2008 11:58   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
I think I will go into the fortune telling business too. I think I could be just as accurate as most of the seers out there!
May 15th 2008 12:04   
Jeff Greene Committed   Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant
I have all of the tools you will need. Cheryl...

Plus with all the job opportunities available fortune tellers at CNN and Faux News, you'll be swimming in the big bucks by tommorow evening-- At least that's when todays Tarot says! LOL! :)
May 15th 2008 12:29   
Jeff Greene Committed   Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant
The Tarot Changes DAILY.... Today's card reading absolutely rocks for us business folk! :)
May 17th 2008 10:41   
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