Take a break !! APSense Post a good Joke !!...

The Sarcastic Comments Resource-- Just The Thing For Those Special Moments...

by Jeff Greene Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant
Jeff Greene Committed   Online Marketing...
 Alas comes a time in your Life when you must resort to "Semi- Non-Violence" to protect your space, your cool or even your Martini budget... Some people just don't know when to quit bugging you... So as your loving "Colleague In  Arms", so to speak, I feel that it is my duty to provide you all with some bits of "Oral Dynamite" for your self defence when needed...

1. If I throw a stick will you leave??

2. Does your train of thought have a caboose?

3. Nice perfume. Must you marinate in it?

4. A woman's favorite position is CEO

5. I'm not your type, I'm not inflatable.

More excellent "Stingers and Barbs" for your perusal! :)

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Apr 29th 2008 10:25

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Jeff Greene Committed   Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant
Never miss a moment of FUNNY! :)
May 17th 2008 12:13   
Lisa G. Committed   Health Wellness & Wealth Consultant
LoL. Thanks for the laughs.
Great way to end my online session for today. Laundry and gardening are calling my name.
Got a funny for that? lol. See yall later. P.S. peaceful..thanks for the funny gym video! :-)
May 17th 2008 14:14   
Jeff Greene Committed   Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant
I figured that you would get a kick out that, Lisa! :)

Have fun in the garden... Typical Taurus... LOL! :)
May 17th 2008 14:47   
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