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How will you do with your uactivity downlines

by Junwei Dong Salesman
Junwei Dong Advanced   Salesman
i have get some downlines.but i found a problem soon. THEY donot be interested here for longtime. i can promise that they willnot login here again.

so i think the person who you want to get as a downline should be interesed here ,then they are real "downlines"

so i donotnow what kind of person will you get ?
Dec 20th 2007 22:21

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Susan coils Senior   Web Design & Marketing Services for Small Business
Inactive downlines are a fact of running an online business. Over 90% of the people you refer, to Apsense or anywhere else, will sign up, do nothing and move on.

All you can do is accept this fact. Work with those people who want to work, who want to be successful, who are willing to work with you. Forget about the rest. Why would you bother with them?

I have found that as soon as I refer someone, or they join my list, I get in touch with them, introduce myself, let them know I am here if they want advice, support, etc. Those who are interested will get back to me. Those who are looking to make a fortune overnight don't.

If someone doesn't get back in touch, forget about them. They are not going to do anything and you won't be able to change that.

Dec 21st 2007 03:02   
Junwei Dong Advanced   Salesman
Dec 21st 2007 22:53   
Lisa G. Committed   Health Wellness & Wealth Consultant
True San.
I think there is so much going on..on the internet, and life in general..people sign up and forget what they signed up for. I know I am guilty too. I've done it. Especially if I sign up for something, and never ever hear from my upline, one can start loosing interest.

Sites such as Apsense, are so great, but sometimes folks just dont take time to check out what they sign up for.

Wow..90%? Ouch. That's a lot. Hopefully, the 10% will stay and find great benefit from the sites that they selected to sign up for.

I think a bulletin to your sign ups is a great idea. Not to bombard them with too many post, and especially not a pile of advertisments, but .. you never know when the inactive members may just check in to take better look around and fall in love with Apsense!

I agree San, I think the welcome letter and offering support, is a great idea too.
100% active members in any given site, almost never happens.

Dec 22nd 2007 00:31   
Michael Jensen Innovator   
Hi Lisa and San.

I had often wondering how people can have so many friends (Happy that ApSense call it Contacts).

As you wrote Lisa, there are so much to explore, and all the time we have a fear of missing something - an opportunity that will pass - or something better.

Today I took the time to learn more about ApSense (thanks to a Bjantiques tutorial) and I think I have found my Business Social Network System now - And my Joint Venture System have I picked for a year ago - so I'm in place - But still I have lots of resources drained down the toilet because I daily find myself exploring.

Anyway - What I want with ApSense is to present my business - stupid not to - but most important, meet some people who want to share their experiences in the businesses they work with - good and bad!

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year!
Dec 24th 2007 13:50   
Gary Holbrook Advanced   
San i totally agree with you. Work with those who are interested in what you are doing. I have found, through alot of hard research, that most of those who work hard to help others are the people i want to work with. Getting rich overnight is simply a fantasy, and unfortunately alot of people still believe in that fantasy.

Happy holidays to everyone at APsense from all of us.
Dec 25th 2007 09:53   
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