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Baking and Making Treats For The Holidays

by Lynn I. Earning Online Since 1999
Lynn I. Magnate II   Earning Online Since 1999
I bake throughout the year. Nothing to fancy -  cookies, brownies, cakes maybe an occassional loaf of banana bread. But around Thankgiving I start getting the baking bug...lol I will make a pumpkin pie from scratch or like yesterday I made fudge. I think it must be because everyone is so happy, and it is starting to get cooler outside so having the oven on is nice. And it just seems to fit into the festivities. I really enjoy this time of year. Do you bake or make special items for the holidays that you don't normally make?

Dec 17th 2007 11:15

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Lisa G. Committed   Health Wellness & Wealth Consultant
Yes. I like making homemade baklava, and giving it as gifts.
It's a lot of work, and the ingredients are a bit pricey, so I mix the bakalava with other goodies. I also like making homemade pumpkin soup, not the canned pumpkin, but with the fresh pumpkin. My mother used to start baking and freezing cookies right after Thanksgiving, but her health is not what it used to be. I'm planning to start taking over the tradition next year.
Dec 17th 2007 11:57   
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
I love cooking but i must have the same "warm up" idea... i like cooking during winter too which is around May to July here. I'm more into savouries than sweet things...
Dec 17th 2007 13:40   
Lynn I. Magnate II   Earning Online Since 1999

That is a wonderful tradition to pass through the family :)

Dec 17th 2007 14:48   
Jeanette G. Advanced   mentor
I also enjoy holiday baking. For the holidays i have baked banna/peanut butter cookies and for this coming week I am baking a cranberry "desert pizza".

Dec 17th 2007 15:19   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
I make a good old fashioned Smithfield country ham.
Dec 17th 2007 15:38   
Carole Advanced   
My hubby is the baker around the holiday season. But because I have the girls. I will bake a little and give some to the neighbors. It was a tradition my mom had with us three kids....we loved it, and we loved getting treats in return.


Dec 17th 2007 15:51   
Lynn I. Magnate II   Earning Online Since 1999

I like to use my crock pot on cold days too. It just seems stews and soups taste so good on winter evenings :)

Dec 17th 2007 19:50   
Lynn I. Magnate II   Earning Online Since 1999

Cranberry dessert pizza...I bet that is good. And it combines 2 of my favorite food groups. Dessert and pizza :)

Dec 18th 2007 10:23   
Jill Davidson Advanced   
I am making hard candy this year, which I haven't made for years. I had made up my mind to do gift baskets for the family, then my son told me all he wanted for Christmas was some hard candy like we used to make! Sometimes I think that boy can read my mind. I have a fruit salad recipe that I usually make for special dinners that everyone likes. I don't know the name but we call it "that purple stuff."
Dec 19th 2007 11:02   
Paula Gaon Senior   
Ah h h h h, yum, yum, sniff, sniff the wonderful aromas!
As one who's been somewhat anorexic most of life,
you guys are getting my attention and reawakening
an interest in that stuff that people call food. My mother
would be proud and happy.

* Happy Holidays *
Dec 20th 2007 06:50   
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