How DO You Choose Your Programme or Opportunity?

Know what you are getting into and don't dive into something over your head

by Cheryl Baumgartner Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical...
I have been in a few different ventures before I settled on PrePaid Legal.  Since I had been in other things and never got anywhere I made sure I had the facts before I signed anything.

There were some major areas I looked into.  By learning these things beforehand, I knew what I was getting into and also how my background could help me.  Basically I recommend that anyone considering a business opportunity check out these areas first.

The business reputation- The person who is trying to sign you up is going to say wonderful things about the business, sometimes they are true sometimes they aren't.  Verify claims through a third party.

The corporate goals-The corporate goals and mission statement should fall in line with what you believe.

The product- know what the product is and how it can be applied as a solution to your market

The compensation-How reasonable is the compensation plan, are there overrides, bonuses and residual income built in to the plan

The need for the product-if no one needs it no one will buy it.  Think about how hard it would be to sell a manual typewriter or abacus today.

If feel confident about the opportunity after investigating all of those areas then it's probably a good thing for you.  Learn everything you can about your product and the solutions you offer to people so you can answer questions and converse about it.  Finally draw on any life experience that be applied to your product.
Dec 14th 2007 13:04

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Jennifer Underwood Professional   Promoter
Good for you. You know I wish you the best of luck friend!

Dec 14th 2007 13:30   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Thank you Jenn!
Dec 14th 2007 13:34   
Jenny Stewart Professional   
Hi Cheryl

Too true - and part of what this Group is all about - Know what you are getting into and DONt get in over your head.

Too many people see the advertising splashes and go WOW - but if you are a computer klutz - can you really sell IT stuff? Some people can make money out of it - but if you dont understand what you are selling - you probably wont.

And the point I loved that you made "Verify claims through a third party" OF COURSE. Because what the company tells you is ADVERTISING. They are not going to tell you anything bad about it!
There are some tremendous advertising and public realtiuons campaigns for some online MLMs - but if you ask anyone who has been involved - other than the promoters - you may hear a very different story. Did you ever hear of anyone advertising say "Come and buy my crappy product"? lol
Dec 14th 2007 16:33   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
I'll tell you what convinced me, seeing the check stubs from some of the other associates. When someone sticks a $3000 bonus check under your nose and they are a field associate and not part of the corporate marketing team, they have passed the "Jerry McGuire" test with flying colors! That's what I call showing me the money!
Dec 14th 2007 16:49   
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