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How do people become administrators?

by Marshall
Marshall Advanced  
I am quite new here, noticed there are a lot of apsense administrators out there, who they are, what they do and how they become administrator.

Dec 11th 2007 11:35

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Lynn I. Magnate II   Earning Online Since 1999
All members who start their own groups are the administrators of their groups. They also may add co-admins. So you will usually see them in most groups if they are active.

Then there are the administrators of APSense. You can see them listed on the first page of this group. They are the founders or other key people of APSense or members that were asked by the founders to help.


Dec 11th 2007 11:45   
Lynn I. Magnate II   Earning Online Since 1999
I forgot to answer your question about what they do. Each admin over sees their group. They are responsible for upholding the guidelines they set for their group. And to be sure that their group does not breach tos guidelines also. You may apply to be a co-admin of groups if they are accepting applications.


Dec 11th 2007 11:52   
Collette Johnson Professional   Collette's Naturals
Hello Global
Welcome to apsense. My co-admins are responsible for helping me welcome others to the groups and to thank them for posting.
I also ask that they monitor the group posts to make sure everyone is staying to the rules set forth in the description of the group.
Hope that helps
Dec 11th 2007 20:03   
Marshall Advanced   
Thanks a lot,

I just approved several administrators to my groups:Natural Health and Beauty Herbal Products
Dec 12th 2007 09:05   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Hi global just a word of warning about approving people. Make sure they really want to be an administrator and aren't just applying to have their name on a group as administrator. There are a lot of people who will do that. I got caught by a bunch of them early on then had to go back and deny them because they weren't doing the job.

I have changed my tactics. I only accept administrators by invitation only. I send them a message and ask them if they would like to be an administrator after I've seen there contributions to my groups. Other than that I keep the all set for not accepting. It avoids hard feelings later.
Dec 12th 2007 09:13   
You are not yet a member of this group.