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Get To Know Karen [Karen Weir]

by Lynn I. Earning Online Since 1999
Lynn I. Magnate II   Earning Online Since 1999
This is where you may ask Karen questions, to get to know her better. 

Feel free to ask about her hobbies, interests, family & home. As long as it isn't to personal or business related.

Please give her a chance to answer the last question, before asking another.
Nov 12th 2007 10:11

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Lynn I. Magnate II   Earning Online Since 1999

While in school did you enjoy one subject more than the others?

Nov 12th 2007 10:12   
Karen Weir Committed  Local Internet Advertising Consultant
Hi Lynn,

I sure did enjoy one subject more than others! Anything but Math! LOL

Seriously, I had a very serious math mental block, and I still do. I would learn just enough to squeeze by. I enjoyed English probably more than any other subject because I was an avid reader and enjoyed writing. Although I was never good with knowing the rules of English, I seemed to be able to apply them.

Good question!
Nov 12th 2007 10:17   
Theresa Advanced   
YAY Karen!!!
Just the gal I wanted to get to know ! :-)

How many children do you have?
Do you like to read and if so, What kind of books do you like to read?
Nov 12th 2007 10:38   
Karen Weir Committed  Local Internet Advertising Consultant
Hey Fishie!

I have given birth to 3 children. My oldest is 27, next is 9, and last is 8. I have a step daughter who is 23, and a 7 year old grandson. My husband and I each had an only child from previous marriages, and decided to expand our family when we got married. Best decision we ever made!

I do like to read, but don't do it as much as I used to. I enjoy a wide variety... fiction and non fiction. I like philosophical writings, mysteries, history, biographies... not big on sci fi...

Nov 12th 2007 11:11   
Lynn I. Magnate II   Earning Online Since 1999
I enjoyed your reply :) Lynn
Nov 12th 2007 11:25   
Monika & Wayne T. Senior   Time Travellers
you mentioned that you liked writing at school. Is there a great Novel coming?
Nov 12th 2007 17:16   
Karen Weir Committed  Local Internet Advertising Consultant
Hi Monika and Wayne,

About that novel... I have been threatening forever. The problem is that when I get into it, I am so lasar focused that I tend to neglect everything else. At the present time, I have 3 different book ideas on the go, and one - a children's novel, is about half complete. As I'd complete a chapter, I'd read it to my critics (my kids); they keep asking when I'm going to read them some more...

Years ago, I wrote many short stories for my daughter and my many neices and nephews - about them of course. I fantasize about going to a mountain retreat and writing - one day I may do that. In the meantime, I scratch down notes when ideas come to me.
Nov 12th 2007 19:43   
Penny Young Committed   Consultant
Hi Karen,

I believe that's exactly how Roald Dahl wrote - with kids as critics, so you're in good company! Do you play any sort of sport?


PS I have that mental block with maths too!
Nov 12th 2007 19:55   
Karen Weir Committed  Local Internet Advertising Consultant
Hi Penny,

I was never very athletic, and not much into sports - either playing or watching. I wish I did enjoy playing sports, it would make exercising more enjoyable. I force myself to do stretching and sit ups every morning, and I get my daily cardio exercise by walking my kids an/or their dogs. In winter they force me out to skate and sled, but if it weren't for the kids, I'd hibernate. ;)
Nov 12th 2007 20:58   
Lisa G. Committed   Health Wellness & Wealth Consultant
Hi Karen,
Do you have a favorite movie, or several favorite?
Nov 13th 2007 13:11   
Jenny Stewart Professional   
Hiu Karen,

They say that everyone has one book in them - what is your's going to be about?

Nov 13th 2007 13:17   
Karen Weir Committed  Local Internet Advertising Consultant
I have a few favorite movies, but I'd have to say my all time favorite is the Back to the Future series. I prefer comedies over serious, but there are some classic dramas that I'd have to put high on my list of favorites; like Gone with the Wind, A Star is Born... I don't usually like re-makes, but did enjoy Kris Kristopherson and Barbara Streisand's version of A Star is Born.

Jenny, without giving away the plot... the children's novel is centered around a socially awkward boy who stumbles upon an important discovery that changes the future - no time travel involved, but some fantasy and magic. The intent of the book is to teach tolerance and acceptance to children and young teens.
Nov 13th 2007 14:12   
Lisa G. Committed   Health Wellness & Wealth Consultant
I love Back to the Future too! Great triology! I had the pleasure of watching them film Back To The Future Part 3. One scene, where the train flys ups past a town home complex, shows the unit I was living in, and my balcony..lol. I wish I had been standing out there..ha..ha. Well, they probaly would have deleted me out anyways..lol. They took an existing pedestrian bridge behind my home, and turned it into the bridge you see in the movie. The Bridge had already been labled for demolishing, because people complained about it blocking their ocean view. They tore down the beautiful bridge that they modified for the movie, just a few days later. I kept all my pictures of it. Some fun memories.
Nov 14th 2007 12:36   
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