Business Round Table

Questions for David Dubb Business Expert 11-3 to 11 10

by Cheryl Baumgartner Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical...
Please post all questions or topic suggestions for David Dubb here.  We want to keep the questions together. 
Nov 3rd 2007 08:08

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Teodor M. Professional   Blockchain Real Estate
You can also use questionaires online> I use them a lot. Design your Q at:
It's free.
Nov 5th 2007 14:23   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
I also use the "doorprize" trick at times. If it's a group I know I'm going to panic I have them fill out a doorprize slip and then draw for the prize at the end. It's normally something not too expensive like a gift certificate to a local restaurant. Most people overcome their panic at the thought of getting something "free"
Nov 5th 2007 14:28   
Dror Lukach Innovator   
Hello all,

I just got a call form my dear friend david dubb
His computer crushed and he will be back A.S.A.P

Have a great night everyone



Nov 5th 2007 15:06   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Alright ladies and gentlemen, We have three more days to pick David's brain. Let get some questions in here and get in the running for next week's spot while you're at it!
Nov 8th 2007 07:13   
Teodor M. Professional   Blockchain Real Estate
Sorry to hear this bad news, but computers are crashing... sometimes... Hope David will be able to recover his data.
Nov 8th 2007 12:06   
David Dubb Professional   ESL Coach + InternetWork Marketer
Hi Hi HI,

I am back again for a while, till the minor problems begin again.
I am terribly sorry about this. I promise to make it up to you guys.

Cheryl, I know this was a few days ago, I will comment anyway.
The "DoorPrize" maneuver is excellent. There are unlimited ways
to utilize this method.
Depending on the amount of participants I expect will usually depend
on what I will hand out and to who.
A great one I use, is during my presentation I will stop and ask who
has a birthday and all who do will receive a little something from me.
Works wonders, because, you can usually collect details at the end
from those who usually don't.
Nov 8th 2007 14:44   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
The doorprize idea is a must at times. I go in and talk identity theft and then turn around and ask for their information. Sometimes they just don't want to give it. After all I've just warned them about doing just that!
Nov 8th 2007 14:57   
Mark Hultgren Senior   Wordpress Specialist
Hi Cheryl, maybe you eed to look at 'timing' the request for info sometime during your presentation, or better yet, use it at the very beginning, and then tell them what the possible consequences could be from what they just did!
Nov 8th 2007 14:59   
David Dubb Professional   ESL Coach + InternetWork Marketer
Excellent point MK.

Nov 8th 2007 15:02   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
It would be nice to do it that way but we have a standardized form we are allowed to use. It's a questionnaire and it was put together to be filled out after the presentation. Which is why I use the doorprize as a fall back method of getting the information.
Nov 8th 2007 15:10   
David Dubb Professional   ESL Coach + InternetWork Marketer
Aha, so you sort of have your hands tied a bit. A good businesswoman/man
always nows how to improvise on the fly.
I can see that you definitely have that quality Cheryl.
Nov 8th 2007 15:19   
Beth Schmillen Professional   
I just read David Dubb's week of expertise and this was avery interesting learning session about both online and offline marketing!

I learned that some one else says crash for when the computer needs to be rebooted for about any reason!

I didn't get a chance to ask David a question about marketing or online business that week because I was doing other things! as usual!

let's see... David, when should someone consider a joint venture partner and just how would that work?

Dec 2nd 2007 19:31   
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