Business Round Table

Questions for David Dubb Business Expert 11-3 to 11 10

by Cheryl Baumgartner Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical...
Please post all questions or topic suggestions for David Dubb here.  We want to keep the questions together. 
Nov 3rd 2007 08:08

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Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
How about the best way to use sites Like APSense to expand our contacts? If known David long enough to know there's lot's of great information in that brain. I think letting him decide what would be the best bit of advice will get us a better answer, or at least something we didn't think of!
Nov 5th 2007 08:34   
David Dubb Professional   ESL Coach + InternetWork Marketer
Before offline business it is of extreme importance to promote your online business offline as well. Business cards, meeting people etc... Talk about with a passion and you will get places.
Offline business. Cheryl you have a big question there, I will write a bit and then you can ask me more specific questions where I will go into detail.
Offline business is like online in the sense that we are dealing with people. Don't forget that. I think it easier to run an offline business than online because we are physically involved and more in control of what goes on. There are a few kinds of offline businesses, I have a feeling Cheryl you are talking about MLM because if you come to a site like Apsense to build your contact list and potential customers, usually it is for some MLM company. The major problem with many MLM affiliates - offline and online is that they usually don't know the product or the compensation plan well enough and just talk about what a wonderful opportunity they have. First you need to know your product and believe in it honestly (INTEGRITY) - you will get caught sooner or later. You need to know the compensation plan as quickly as possible - in the end it is your business not your upline's. Offline is very easy once you know how to filter the Gold from the dust. You have the possibility to read the body language and within a few minutes you know whether you have an interested prospect or not.
You need to build a team and work as a team, I don't like to use the word duplicate because no-one (as yet) has been able to duplicate themselves. You are a pipeline of information for you downline. Each one understands things in their own way and has their own personality. That I think is one of the downfalls when downline try copy exactly what their upline does. Be yourself.

I would love to get into more detail here - throw some specific questions, difficulties or misunderstandings please.

Nov 5th 2007 09:15   
David Dubb Professional   ESL Coach + InternetWork Marketer
Cheryl, I got carried away with my writing and did not address your question correctly.
3 minutes I will be back - need coffee.
Nov 5th 2007 09:27   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
I'm lucky. There's a lot of flexibility in how I choose to focus on my business. There is the MLM side but that's not my focus. I don't exclude it but I don't actively pursue it either. I concentrate more on the employees benefits and group security side so I guess you could say I'm more of a "consultant".

The biggest issue I have is in getting the basic information across since people are so resistant to change. It's frustrating because I know the consequences If they don't accept the services I offer, but I don't want to come off as terrorizing prospects even though there are pretty severe consequences.
How would you suggest handling it?
Nov 5th 2007 09:39   
David Dubb Professional   ESL Coach + InternetWork Marketer
Back to business. The best ways to use sites like Apsense or any social network site (in my opinion), is to write articles or blogs about your business or products - in your own words where possible and every once in a while place a link to your site. If you have a look at my EN101 blog you will see after every section there is an ENROLL button.
If you have a product or business that caches my eye I don't want to go looking for the link, I want to check it out as quickly as possible. We also know that it takes on average about 7 times before someone usually buys. With a business opportunity sometimes longer, due to investment and other matters. The more you write, the more exposure, the more exposure, the better your presence.
The other thing is, as you mentioned earlier Cheryl, is making new contacts, building true and lasting relationships. That is number one, if you want to succeed in any business. Every time you invite someone to be your contact and they accept, within 24 hours make sure you reply and thank them. I don't think there is one person in Apsense today that has not received a welcome message from me with some free gifts. (By the way - they have changed). The same goes for when someone requests your friendship. You can always check and see who opened your mail here. Those who reply are looking for some kind of relationship, usually to offer you their business. I don't suggest that. First get to know who you are building a relationship with, one of the first I do is ask for a real name if there is only nickname. We want to build relationships with people. Find out their needs or wants, if you can supply them through your business you will know, if not maybe you can exchange links, ideas etc... I will always compliment my competition because they are just as good as I am or my product.
In short use these sites to build your prospect list and JV (Joint Venture) partners for the future.
More please:)
Nov 5th 2007 09:47   
Dror Lukach Innovator   
Hello david,
It's really great to read your point of view
I think you are the best MLM'ER
Your advice worth in anyone's book millions

Cheers mate


Nov 5th 2007 09:59   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Just so you are warned, when I make that first million and head off on my world tour I'm adding Israel to the agenda along with Romania! So expect a dinner guest :-)
Nov 5th 2007 10:24   
David Dubb Professional   ESL Coach + InternetWork Marketer
Whew Cheryl, that's a big one. I suppose trial and error won't work here.
People are not resistant to change, they are petrified of change. The problem is that people like to stay in their "Comfortable Zone".
I have just re-visited your site Cheryl and now I more than understand your problem. You have a very interesting business and after this I am going to have a deeper look into it. You are in a difficult position with your essential services that people are afraid of confronting the truth.
Here are a few basic tips: One of the things I would do is get real testimonials from your own clients, this would help you break the ice. If you can divide your testimonials into the different professions. If you talk to a group I would try and go for one on one. In a group, it is enough for one person to question you with the questions you don't need and every one else is out of focus and are now looking for what is not good in your offer.
You should soften them up first and find something you both have in common, that is instant relationship building in seconds.Look around their office or home to find something. Take a few minutes for this and then move on to offering your services to them.
Come early if you have an appointment and find a quiet secluded spot if your prospect/customer does not have her/his own office.[b] “ It is always easier to take the people out of Egypt Than to take Egypt out of the people “[/b]
Be a good listener before you offer, "What are your needs?" "How can I help you?" Then listen.
Try and get them to tell how they need you and not the other way round. This is a technique that needs a bit of practice because in general we are not listeners and only want to get our message across. (I am not saying you are one of them). We were honored by G-D to have 2 ears and 1 mouth, we should utilize then as that.
If your focus is on traditional way of promoting your services, just stop that because there are millions doing the same. Be daring. No more space.
Nov 5th 2007 10:55   
David Dubb Professional   ESL Coach + InternetWork Marketer
Thanks Dror, one of my Isreali partners. Cheryl, you will be welcomed with open arms, warmth and love.
After that we can do business.
I ran out of space there, please send more - I am hungry.

Nov 5th 2007 10:56   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Thank you. One of the things I have incorporated into my marketing is workshops and seminars. I present the identity theft issues to them but with an eye to directing them to the problems and solutions without overwhelming them. That's a fine line to walk!

Normally I only have a set amount of time to present and my presentation doesn't leave much time for questions. I answer the basic ones, but time constraints gives me an out to get together with them one on one too!
Nov 5th 2007 11:20   
David Dubb Professional   ESL Coach + InternetWork Marketer
Time, Time, Time is never on our side when we need it.

Okay Cheryl, a quick question for you and then we can move on.

Workshops and seminars are excellent, I also use them on a regular basis,
more for training, coaching and team building or business building.

My question is this: How much do your potential prospects have before
you actually meet them?

Nov 5th 2007 11:31   
David Dubb Professional   ESL Coach + InternetWork Marketer
That was:

How much time do they know in advance before they actually meet you?
Nov 5th 2007 11:41   
Teodor M. Professional   Blockchain Real Estate
Wow, I just left for 2 hours and now found here such debate! People are getting involved and this is a good sign. Cheryl, I can't wait to have you GUEST here! That means your million will come soon ;-)
Blessed be your efforts!

Nov 5th 2007 11:44   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
It's anywhere from 1 week to months. I'm scheduled for our church seniors group in march but I have been a regular contributor to the newsletter on an ongoing basis with them. I doesn't hurt that they know me as "The Identity Theft Lady" either. They can remember tht much even if my name escapes them LOL!
Nov 5th 2007 13:09   
David Dubb Professional   ESL Coach + InternetWork Marketer
Well, if that is the scenario Cheryl, it makes a bit easier now. Due to time constraints there are a few possibilities to overcome that.

In any presentation we give it is a must to follow-up on an individual basis.
To begin with, a few days before the presentation you should send out a reminder to all participants, provided you have their email addresses. Attached to that mail would be a PPT presentation outlining exactly what you are going to talk about. This way, they come prepared and you will probably answer most questions now during your presenation.
Another thing you can do is print out a brochure of your presentation and either get it to them a few days before if possible, or at the entrance to the convention hall.
A very important factor is to remember is the folow-up. All who participate should receive a a short survey to fill out (Optional) and a place for them to write their name, phone number, email etc...
You can decide what is best for you there, but you need some way of being able to contact them again. Those that leave their details are ready to hear more. Your survey will help you know their needs if you would like to know for next time.
If you use slides for your presentation, great, if not, I would seriously think about it. Get somebody to help you with changing the slides so you can keep focused with the attendees.
All this sounds wonderful, I am also aware that soem may not have the budget for this. The last I suggest is to go broke before you make it.

Was that helpful? Or, do you need more on that topic?

Please more - I am still hungry.
Nov 5th 2007 13:36   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
I use a power point presentation and have several targeted toward who I'm talking to. I had not thought of doing a brochure and this is the second time in as many days as it was brought up. I'm going to call that a strong hint!
Nov 5th 2007 13:48   
David Dubb Professional   ESL Coach + InternetWork Marketer
The brochure is good for a number of reasons.
Two that popped up immediately:

1. Whoever was there has something to go home with and go over again in their own time.
2. They know people as well who might just happen to see that little brochure laying on the
coffee table. Boom, you might get an unexpected phone call.

Throw some more please.
Nov 5th 2007 13:55   
David Dubb Professional   ESL Coach + InternetWork Marketer
And please don't forget to somehow get the attendess name, phone number, email for follow-up.
Nov 5th 2007 13:56   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
I actually learned the "questionnaire" trick a long tome ago. I do hand those out and get everyone to fill them out for me.
Nov 5th 2007 14:03   
David Dubb Professional   ESL Coach + InternetWork Marketer
An old but very effective method.
Nov 5th 2007 14:10   
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