The People Group

The Hottest Topic of the Day - Episode 1

by Not Here just want my account deleted
Not Here Committed just want my account deleted
Entrepenuers! People from ALL walks of life!

Submit your topic of discussion to this post now. Only the first ten suggestions will be considered for this event, special judges have been selected to choose the topic for debate. The event will take place this Saturday (Oct. 27/07) sometime AM mountain time when discussion will commence and continue for an undisclosed period of time.

Advertising prize will be awarded to the winning entry, I reserve the right to refuse any ad I deem unethical.

This shall prove to be an interesting event, I myself will not know the topic of discussion until we kick the event off here at this very post on Saturday!

Garnet Nagy
Shoot From The Hip
Oct 22nd 2007 20:28

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Theresa Advanced   
YAY!! The gates have opened!!

**Staying Positive - How to stay positive in a negative world - What keeps you positive?**
or something like that - LOL

thanks for the opportunity Garnet! This is a GREAT idea!!
Oct 22nd 2007 20:54   
Jennifer Underwood Professional   Promoter
Well of course cyber crime and identity theft and what it means to you!
Oct 22nd 2007 20:54   
David Schupbach Senior   
Thanks Garnet,

Recruiting new members to your Network. What works for you, what doesn't.
Oct 23rd 2007 03:41   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
I would say privacy and information security laws affecting all businesses in America since most business owners don't know or realize they are covered. Since the biggest problem with identity theft and businesses is security and most security breaches occur internally!
Oct 23rd 2007 06:09   
Mark Hultgren Senior   Wordpress Specialist
Well I have already voiced my topic in the original thread so I will restate it - Viral Marketing
How does it work, what are some of the methods and do you have an example!
Oct 23rd 2007 13:09   
Theresa Advanced   
oh that would be a good one, too!

Oct 23rd 2007 18:02   
Collette Johnson Professional   Collette's Naturals
How about "how to Network marketing the correct way" ?
Oct 24th 2007 09:25   
Mark Stephen Hauser Professional
"Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime." Stephen
Oct 24th 2007 09:49   
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
Hi Garnet,

Sounds like a great day this Saturday, l will be away and not be able to attend this open discussion. Hockey tournament 3 days kid gets more time off school then l ever got.

I wish all the success and know it will be a great day for who attend and get involved, l will look for the follow on this wonderful event good luck,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,to all....
Oct 24th 2007 15:50   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted! Looks like my honerable judges and I are going to have our work cut out for ourselves, these are some GREAT topics guys! Less than three days to go and three topics for discussion yet to be seen. Thank you so much for all the enthusiam everyone!
Oct 24th 2007 20:37   
David Dubb Professional   ESL Coach + InternetWork Marketer
Hi Garnet,

Some very interesting Topics have put forward. Keep them
coming guys and gals.
Oct 25th 2007 03:27   
Beth Schmillen Professional   
Hi Garnet,

this is a great idea... I'm not certain which way this will go ... hopefully there will be three more topics
suggested for the Saturday selection and discussion....

Looking forward to participating except I may be insulating the house (putting plastic on the windows
like we do here in Idaho!) for part of the day...

I'll stop back later to see what's going on
Oct 25th 2007 15:57   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
Thanks Beth and David! I hope to see the last three spots fill up too, not much time left though, going to have to close doors to topic submissions tonight! Will be back later to check on things so if anyone else reading this has a topic submit it now before it's too late!
Oct 25th 2007 16:02   
Lee Poulson Advanced   Health Coach
What good is wealth, without health?
Oct 25th 2007 17:04   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
I have offically closed the doors to new topics of discussion, as for the offical topic we will totally CRUNCH!!! this Saturday, well, that's now in the hands of the honerable judges who have been carefully selected to choose the most worthy topic of relevance to todays enterpeneur. Thanks to the judges and all who have come forward with their terrific suggestions! See you at the gates!!
Oct 25th 2007 23:11   
Shrihari Sawant Senior   Consultant
Hotest Topic of the day may be anything and everything as per the people thinks it. For some it may be business, family, social life, dating etc. etc.
But since Apsense is the place for business anything regarding business I hope will be fine here.
Oct 26th 2007 04:55   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
Yes, the format I have laid out can be any topic that relates to business, so can be things that relate to life too, but should tie into business in some way. Maybe later another event will be created for other areas of life, really it's up to the people! After all, this is their!
Oct 26th 2007 10:08   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
Mere minutes away from SHOWTIME!! Just waiting on the judges decisions now, can you Feel the Suspense building??
Oct 27th 2007 09:21   
David Schupbach Senior   
Garnet, is showtime going to be right here?
Oct 27th 2007 09:37   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
You Bet!! Just spoke to Chuck, he'll be here any minute now to get us started!
Oct 27th 2007 09:45   
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