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Official - Suggestions to APSense

by Kristian H. GOT Team Cofounder
Kristian H. Professional   GOT Team Cofounder
The last few weeks, we have had many users posting and submitting suggestions to us all over the site and our emails. This is why we decided to create this subject, where everyone can post their suggestions to APSense all in one place.

We always appreciate and encourage your suggestions, however we will not debate about them in public. We will include all suggestions to our list and will consider them if it is possible and beneficial to APSense as a whole.

Thank you for you support and making Your APSense the #1 Business Social Network!
Oct 20th 2007 12:17

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Mike Hunt Advanced   

OK ... the HTML editor is driving me up the wall .... it has a mind of it`s
own, it is sooooooooo slow to load, it changes code ... inserts new code
when not wanted and basically is the second worse editor I have ever
used ... lol ... the worst one was a shocker believe me!

I have had to re edit several posts today ... when I reedit a post, the editor
inserts <br> at every break so








Crazy ... I know online editors can be cantakerous beasts but i`ve
not had this much trouble with any other.

It`s better than nothing though ... ; )

Christopher J.

P.S. Jeunelle ... I do mush also ... hahhaha *blush*
Nov 30th 2007 20:02   
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
I've noticed that Christopher. I usually just hit delete on the WYSIWYG part of the editor...

Still a pain in the butt though... would be good if we could get a fix for it.
Dec 1st 2007 00:24   
Ben Ferm Committed   Manager
Jeunelle mentioned the need for a texteditor earlier. This is something that I most definitely agree with, I hate to see my misspellings in a finnished text without being able to correct them.

And I still miss the ability to message all of my downline and/or my contacts with one click. Is there the fear of spamming thats preventing this feature from being added?
Dec 1st 2007 02:36   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
1 - After a recent sorry and pathetic debacle created by an infantile deletion of a perfectly good post, it should not be possible to delete a post without giving a reason. Apart from the fact that it is simple good manners, it might prevent future precipitous actions by people who should know better.

2 - It is also apparent from what happened that at least one administrator (or is she management?) has neither the aptitude nor the skills necessary. Having just had to leave a community that was destroyed by the adoption of a committee created from the least able and most malleable members, I make the same suggestion here that I made there. Any body who is in a position of some responsibility should be 100% transparent in their actions. It is simply not possible to act in any advisory or administrative capacity if your own actions are open to question.

3 - It should not be possible for anybody to be in a position of trust if they remain anonymous - in the same way, any member refusing to give the common courtesy of at least giving their full names should not be granted full use of community facilities. .

Dec 1st 2007 16:42   
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
Spammers use more sophisticated techniques than "knowing your name"....

They start with a domain... ie... "thedomain.com"

then they start from a


Its hit and miss as far as spammers are concerned... They start with the obvious like admin@..., service@..., webmaster@..., and then start on the names... some scammers / spammers use software to add millions of name configerations to each and any domain...
Dec 4th 2007 22:33   
Mike Hunt Advanced   
OK ... I for one am sick to death of the duplicate content posting that
is rife in this place. I`m having a battle of words with one "person" over
this, it`s about time something is done about it ... SERIOUSLY!

It is hurting Apsense as a whole, it is hurting all users ... and it HAS given
Apsense a bit of a bad name because of it (DIGG)

Every time I view "Recent Subjects" ... there is almost without fail, someone
posting the same message several times in less than 10 minutes, changed
title a little but the message stays the same.

Why can`t people see this is wrong?? Do people realize ONE original, quality
post is better than 100 duplicate posts? Obviously not!

Something must be done.

Christopher J.
Dec 5th 2007 18:18   
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
Good luck getting your point across Christopher... We have been down this road several times here...

The majority at fault are those posting blatant ads more so than content... but as you said, it still effects APsense overall...
Dec 5th 2007 19:10   
Rusty Rose Advanced   
Would it be possible to have content go through a review board and get it approved before it's submitted? I'm not very technie, but it seems rather unusual to be able to post anything. There are usually all sorts of rules before anything can be posted, and if you don't follow the rules, it just isn't accepted.
Dec 5th 2007 19:28   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Garnet,

The idea of this thread was to post suggestions not have a debating session on each one or worse still on things that are totally off topic.

I will be checking to see if the none relevan posts can be cleared out so if posts go missing everyone will know why.

Please just note and do not reply as I will not be entering into any exchanges.

Dec 5th 2007 19:38   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
Ok I am about to delete my two preivious posts and leave a more refined suggestion.....

From what I can see in regards to the remarks in this thread is several people have come forward all trying to discuss certain suggestions. I am not what the actual intent was here but it would seem to me that these people all care about apsense and have valuable contribution to offer to any ideas brought forward. Perhaps the people need a group where they could bring up suggestions and through respectful and non-judgemental discussion TOGETHER the People of Apsense could determine what is really needed if anything.

Coming short of these actions I would suggest that no discussion is allowed to take place in this thread...As I believe it is currently designed soley to accept suggestions from individuals.

My simple suggestion, take it or leave it.

Thank You

Dec 6th 2007 12:28   
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional

We need a specific "Support" group where members can post problems / questions for management (things not working, problems understanding etc).

This would enable others to reply and confirm the problem is across the board or individual. It would also be an avenue for support to confirm a problem has been fixed.

It would save management a lot of time replying to individual support requests.

Dec 6th 2007 14:09   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
I'd still like to have the option of going to a business center and rating it. I see really good ones that I would like to rate but instead I have to go to the Top it/Drop feature and have the same ones come up over and over. Instead of being able to rate a good center I have to wade through all of the business centers with nothing on them and I never see the center I'd like to rate. The top it/Drop it is probably good to make sure people are getting ratings but many ABC's are probably lacking votes because no one wants to sit there and wade through hundreds of business centers to get to the one they are looking for.

Not to mention how often do the Business centers rotate through. I have almost four times as many credits as I have votes!
Dec 9th 2007 22:07   
Susan coils Senior   Web Design & Marketing Services for Small Business
more of a wish list than a suggestion because I don't really think it can be 'scripted'. (ha, bet you think I know what I'm talking about now, well, I don't, and you all should know better)

Given all the recent controversy over duplicate postings/too many ads, etc. - why can't we have a 'fair usage' policy, eg. maximum of 3 ads per person per week? I know we are a 'business and social network' but we have business centres to promote our business. Groups and discussions are best places for networking/helping/learning/advising/coaching / socialising, etc.
this would also help to stop the good posts getting lost in the myriad of ads.

Like I said, not too sure if this sort of thing can be programmed in, but we could always work it on an honour policy. It's used by other companies - mobile phone companies for instance will give you 'unlimited free calls/texts' but the 'unlimited' is subject to a fair usage policy. Same with most ISP's. Why not the same sort of thing here?
(wishes upon a star)
Dec 11th 2007 13:00   
Rusty Rose Advanced   
I like San's suggestion. I find that most of the memberships in APSense are pretty honorable people and I think the idea of a "fair usage" policy on the "honor" system might work, but I would limit it to one ad a week. Most people only have one "favorite" program anyway, at least at one time, and to promote it once a week would give them another legal advertising avenue that they didn't have before.
Dec 11th 2007 16:23   
Jennifer Underwood Professional   Promoter
ppl_cheryl63 - Dec 9 2007 22:07
I'd still like to have the option of going to a business center and rating it. I see really good ones that I would like to rate but instead I have to go to the Top it/Drop feature and have the same ones come up over and over. Instead of being able to rate a good center I have to wade through all of the business centers with nothing on them and I never see the center I'd like to rate. The top it/Drop it is probably good to make sure people are getting ratings but many ABC's are probably lacking votes because no one wants to sit there and wade through hundreds of business centers to get to the one they are looking for.

Not to mention how often do the Business centers rotate through. I have almost four times as many credits as I have votes!
Dec 12th 2007 02:13   
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
I like Cheryl's idea too, its actually quiet easy to put together informally... We just need to EACH start a "ABC rating" blog and have others review our ABC's and leave a comment on how we can improve them and also give a rating out of 10...
Dec 12th 2007 02:19   
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional

Tell me about it... i have over 700 credits and only 38 votes. i stopped voting at the end on october... couldn't see the point.

Dec 12th 2007 02:22   
Jennifer Underwood Professional   Promoter
;0) Eric...I am getting more ready to take my trip down under!

Dec 12th 2007 02:22   
Jennifer Underwood Professional   Promoter
I have spent a lot of time on my ABC

Even lost sleep over it ....lol

I got it all messed up one night....I was not about to go to bed until it was fixed...just in case it got 'rated'.
Shoot....I could've slept for a month..still hasn't been rated again
Dec 12th 2007 02:24   
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
Does any pages within APSense use nofollow tags and if not, would it be possible to include them in certain sections like the "Classified Blog category"... This might help eliminate problems associated with Search Engines due to advertising spam inthese types of categories...

It might not help either but worth a thought...
Dec 13th 2007 04:46   
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