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New Business Center Feature Added (Additional Info Box)

by Lynn I. Earning Online Since 1999
Lynn I. Magnate II   Earning Online Since 1999
Those of you who have added a significant amount of content to the body of your business center, have noticed the long empty space on the right. Well, I suggested an extra box for along that side and my suggestion was excepted and implemented. You now have a new section titled "Additional Info". Max 1000 Chars and html codes allowed, you can put your other widgets, adsense code and etc. Enjoy, Lynn
Oct 8th 2007 06:07

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Rusty Rose Advanced   
My head is swirling with all the things you can do on APSense. Can't understand why anyone would join any other social networking site when you have APSense. They talk about "information overload." How about "goodies overload." *Grin. Love it, Lynn....thanks so much.
Oct 10th 2007 10:26   
Lynn I. Magnate II   Earning Online Since 1999
I like that... goodies overload :) It was wonderful that apsense implemented my idea so quickly. It just goes to show that they are here for the community. Lynn
Oct 10th 2007 10:42   
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
I noticed that the other day (yesterday or the day before AU time), but i thought it had been there for a while and i just didn't scroll that far down :o)...

Any way, its a great idea...
Oct 10th 2007 15:52   
Lynn I. Magnate II   Earning Online Since 1999
Well this post is a couple days old..lol. I am still deciding what to put there :) I have see alot of members taking advantage of the extra space. It is great to see it being used. Lynn
Oct 10th 2007 16:28   
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
Yeah, i had something waiting to go there... just waiting for someone with a good idea to enable it... ;o)
Oct 10th 2007 16:56   
Collette Johnson Professional   Collette's Naturals
Hi Lynn
Just finished updating my ABC by using the new space. Love the look it gives! Much more professional than a blank space! Thanks for the heads up!
Oct 11th 2007 07:43   
Lynn I. Magnate II   Earning Online Since 1999
I am glad that you liked my idea, and are putting it to good use. But, apsense staff gets credit for implementing it so swiftly :) Lynn
Oct 11th 2007 08:00   
Matthew Johnson Advanced  
Hi, I have a question.
Do you contact at least 10,000 Marketers a day with your ads?

Because that is exactly what my computer is doing for me right now... Im not at home; I'm at the lake with my 2 young boys.

If 1 sale per thousand contacts earns me 75.00, Then I will make 750.00 today! Every Day! How much a day would that be for your product?

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Jun 23rd 2010 00:14   
Sushil Sharma Magnate I   am a networker from india
arlene, i am agree with san,but i know that i can not get your comitment.i can in try from long time to under stand aps but no body tell me in detail.
Aug 31st 2010 04:08   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
if you want details on how to set up things here accept my contact request and i will send you what you need. I cant post it here as it is in my private c area and there is no advertising here in this group.
Aug 31st 2010 04:25   
Nnamdi A. Magnate III   Internet Marketer
I now have a very good reason to update my business center and add more content.

Thanks for giving us more space.
Aug 31st 2010 04:30   
Jüri Hass Professional   SEO and SEM expert
At last. Good move.
Aug 31st 2010 05:51   
Azhar Eka Pranata Committed   Web Designer and SEO
Thanks For information....
Aug 31st 2010 22:42   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Has no one noticed that this post was posted on Posted Date: 2007-10-08 06:07. I am not sure why sushil raised this post from the dead section as it is talking about an addition that was new in 2007 but now is old hat.
Sep 1st 2010 05:26   
Jüri Hass Professional   SEO and SEM expert
Yeah, but most members did not get the information about this improvement.
Sep 1st 2010 05:39   
Enamul Huque Professional   SEO Specialist
It's obviously a good feature.- This will also help in SEO.
Sep 2nd 2010 09:26   
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