The People Group

Grow your APSense network

by Not Here just want my account deleted
Not Here Committed just want my account deleted
I'm doing something a little different. I am about to launch a basic system that'll grow my apsense network and I need a little help from 2 or 3 others who would be willing to sacrifice about 10 minutes of their time. I will not involve anyone in anything they are not comfortable with
Also, once the system is launched and the bugs are worked out, I will help these volunteers launch their own system, or let them use mine, whatever works best for them. All details of this project will be posted here at a later date for others to see and judge for themselves. If you are interested, please leave a post saying so below.


action reaps rewards!
Sep 4th 2007 22:44

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Collette Johnson Professional   Collette's Naturals
Hi Garnet
Would be interested to see what you have up your "sleeve" so to speak.
Sep 5th 2007 05:45   
Thea Westra Professional   Adding Wings To Our Unique Life Journey!
I might be interested.
You certainly have me curious, so I'll express my interest.
Thank you Garnet.
Sep 5th 2007 11:24   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
Awesome! There's still room for a least a couple more volunteers, but you better hurry, tommorow I shed some light on my "dirty" little secret, the only way to get in is to volunteer here before then.

express yourself
Sep 6th 2007 01:41   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
My reputation is officially on the line!

I just sent instructions to Collette and Thea this very minute, soon enough we'll see where this leads.

Set It Off
Sep 7th 2007 01:07   
Thea Westra Professional   Adding Wings To Our Unique Life Journey!
I have written you a personal email message for now.

Sep 11th 2007 08:46   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
Got it, Thanks Thea!

A little update for those who are interested, if anyone. What I did was sent Thea and Collette to a website I setup outside of APSense which led them back to my abc. I'll let them comment themselves on the material they seen if they care to.

The system does need work, it is basically a shell at this point, but here is what I hope to acheive. I am going to prove that APSense is the BEST community online, that anyone can come here and get their business up and running even if they are a jerk like me. I am no technological genius, I am in fact technologically ignorant and stupid! I need help, not only in this area but with the whole project. There is no way I can prove anything unless other people out of the community stand up and help me, essientally, WE DO IT TOGETHER! So if you want to prove you are a leader, if you truly want to help others, and if you want to grow your apsense network, join me! Simply say so here and when I'm ready to take it to the next step I will call on you for your help.


Garnet Nagy
Lets Get The Party Started!
Sep 12th 2007 23:04   
Collette Johnson Professional   Collette's Naturals
Awesome idea Garnet! Everyone should check out your site. It is one of most original ideas for advertising apsense I have seen!
Sep 13th 2007 07:41   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
Thanks Collette!
Sep 13th 2007 16:10   
Beth Schmillen Professional   
Hi Garnet...

you've got my attention about this... i didn't see a link.... plz send me some
info ok?

Sep 26th 2007 13:09   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
Thanks for stepping forward and expressing your interest Beth! Just getting ready for the next round, I will be sending you a personal message shortly.

Freedom For All
Sep 27th 2007 00:05   
Chuck Bartok Professional   Veteran Entrepreneur now Sharing
Ok Ok where do I go?

"Chuck come lately" is here and eager...where is the link?

Sep 27th 2007 18:53   
Collette Johnson Professional   Collette's Naturals
Hi Garnet
Sorry I missed your call thursday. Lets reschedule. Looks like you have more people interested, lol
Sep 29th 2007 06:32   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
Glad I could twist your arm Chuck lol! Will contact you soon.
Sep 29th 2007 11:39   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
Hi Collette, no prob! Will try you right away, if not just give me the best time to get you and I'll make it work.
Sep 29th 2007 11:49   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
Chuck and Beth, I just sent you both a note with the link, was going to wait until I had made some improvements but figured some more feedback won't hurt. Hope you enjoy and I can't wait to hear your remarks!

From The Trenches
Sep 30th 2007 08:44   
Thea Westra Professional   Adding Wings To Our Unique Life Journey!
Garnet, from what I can see, your 'system' is simply a landing page of sorts which then directs people to your Apsense ABC.
Do I have that bit right?
Personally, I'm not yet sure that I like it. I'd like to see something more positive. However, I'm sure it would work if you drove enough traffic to the page.

Is it not better to simply use all the many options available already at Apsense?
You can add a widget to your sites or blogs, there are banners and logos you could addto sites/blogs.

You could even write an article of your experiences here and post it at article submission sites.

For example, you might find this posting at one of my groups helpful:

At each of my blogs I have placed the widget provided by Apsense at

You'll have to explain the 'system' part a bit further. Currently I see simply a single page with a cute script that may engender curiosity. I couldn't really say how that would work any better than many other alternatives around. I'll need further convincing. Waiting to hear more from you.

Sep 30th 2007 13:05   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted

Thank you for your honesty! Yes that is what the system is so far, have been working with a couple different ways to introduce to landing page, haven't quite got that part right yet. More importantly, there needs to be a better call to action on the abc, might be where more positivity should be displayed. As far as the existing resources, for someone fairly new to online marketing, they are not that effective and I'm am looking to grow my network and brand myself at the same time. I am a REAL person, someone who is very serious about my business, and I assure you I am on a path and the "system" is a whole lot more than what I have in place right now. Will post more comments soon, hope you will bear with me for now.

Sleazy Businessman?
Sep 30th 2007 23:23   
Collette Johnson Professional   Collette's Naturals
Hi Garnet
Was great speaking with you Sat. Hope you got my email with the links okay. Don't forget to check everyones FREEBIE groups for more free advertising options & make sure you BLOG BLOG BLOG
Oct 2nd 2007 07:19   
Thea Westra Professional   Adding Wings To Our Unique Life Journey!
I agree with Collette about the blogging. Plus you want to get yourself clear about what your business success would "look like", for you.

I think that the best advice I could give you now is a couple of articles I wrote:
I hope you get something useful from each of those. I speak from personal experience in each of them.

I also notice that you haven’t said what your passion is. I haven’t heard any words related to what you want to create. Most people who begin a money generating venture have a love of something. They are driven by a passion and want to share that. What is yours?

Have a look at this wonderful video interview (only a few minutes) and you'll get a little insight into what I mean:

Do you have the power of “an idea” urging you forward?

A famous quote that I love says, “Don't bring your need to the marketplace,
bring your skill. If you don't feel well, tell your doctor, but not the
marketplace. If you need money, go to the bank, but not the marketplace.”
~Jim Rohn~

Plus remember, the universe cannot put good into your hand until you let go
of what you are holding in it and …ask for what you think you want, but know
that you will get what you really want.

Oct 2nd 2007 21:43   
Collette Johnson Professional   Collette's Naturals
As always some TERRIFIC words of wisdom from Thea!
Oct 3rd 2007 07:00   
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