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To all dads celebrating Today...

by Eric Smith Online Professional
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
I know its celebrated at different times around the world, but to all dads celebrating fathers day today...

Have a great day... and Stay Safe...

Sep 1st 2007 21:18

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Rusty Rose Advanced   
Our father's day is in June. Where in the world is it father's day on September 1st? *Grin
Sep 1st 2007 23:32   
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
September 2nd Actually... In Australia.
Sep 2nd 2007 00:14   
Thea Westra Professional   Adding Wings To Our Unique Life Journey!
Thank you Eric.
I'm in Australia and I lost my dad four and a half years ago.
I appreciate your greeting.

Sep 2nd 2007 01:47   
Collette Johnson Professional   Collette's Naturals
Hi Eric
Thanks so much! And happy father's to you too and all those Dad's in Australia

Sep 2nd 2007 03:49   
Teodor M. Professional   Blockchain Real Estate
I'm a father of 9 kids and grandfather of 7 terrific grandkids, and my birthday was 4 days ago... However, I don't remember when is the father's day in RO, but my day is everyday, as I try to fully LIVE my LIFE with all my ups and downs, so thank you and happy father's day to ALL fathers in the world including Australian fathers!
Sorry Thea for your loss. This is life, includes death, doesn't matter if we want it or not... I wish all the strenght we need to overcome life's struggles.
Sep 2nd 2007 04:25   
Thea Westra Professional   Adding Wings To Our Unique Life Journey!
Thank you Teodor. I did very well with regard my father's death because we had a great relationship and talked openly about death. I had lots of opportunity to say goodbye properly.
I feel for those who lose people close to them, suddenly.
I always make sure that Greg and I part with a kiss, even if he or I are only going to the store.
Any moment that you have with any person, could be THE lasting moment in your memory if you never saw them again. Be loving and conscious of every present moment you spend with people.
Happy Aussie Father's Day!

Sep 2nd 2007 07:31   
Thea Westra Professional   Adding Wings To Our Unique Life Journey!
Oops...P.S. Teodor...
Happy birthday too!
Sep 2nd 2007 07:32   
Teodor M. Professional   Blockchain Real Estate
Thank you Thea!
All the best to all of you,
Sep 2nd 2007 12:46   
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
Happy Birthday Teodor... It was my Birthday yesterday so i had a double celebration (and extra pressies too ;o).
Sep 2nd 2007 15:40   
Teodor M. Professional   Blockchain Real Estate
Happy Birthday to you too, Eric!
Sep 2nd 2007 18:18   
Dennis McAdams Advanced   
Happy Birthday to both of you!
Sep 2nd 2007 18:52   
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