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How does the 'Honour Point' system work?

by Susan coils Web Design & Marketing Services for Small Business
Susan coils Senior   Web Design & Marketing...
Can someone explain to me how this system works. It seems that sometimes, my honour points increase every day and then they never change for ages.
I thought it was something to do with how active we were here at Apsense. But I tend to stick to the same level of activity. I only post in groups if I have something to say. I dont post just for the sake of increasing my credits or my honour points. Maybe that should give me more honour points anyway (lol)!

But I am at a loss to understand how the system works. Can someone please explain to me?

Thanks in advance.
Aug 27th 2007 03:09

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Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi San,

It confuses me as well, however this is the explanation given in the FAQ's


Here is a sample of how Honor Points are calculated:
Member Honor Points = (all your group members + all members in your social network)
Group Honor Points = (all member honor + all member count)


Aug 27th 2007 03:24   
Blanka S. Advanced   ddddd
Hi, I do the same and I have no honour points so I am even more confused than you are perhaps.
Aug 27th 2007 03:41   
Claudia Senior   

that's also, what I know,
all the members in your groups (own created) + your network, but as I see, the bonus network is not added, only members that you or your referals refered. Confusion!
Have a nice day.
Aug 27th 2007 04:05   
Susan coils Senior   Web Design & Marketing Services for Small Business
Well, that sounds about right Bj and the maths add up so I will go with that. Thanks for this. I guess it just shows it isn't really anything to do with 'honour' so maybe they should consider renaming them.
Aug 27th 2007 08:21   
James Max Senior   Blog Network Community
Hey San,

What if we changed it to achievement points?

You need to have personal recruits to get points in your Social Network

You have to attract new members to your groups to get points there

And, depending on how honorable your methods are, they will add Bonus Points to your pile.

Life is short - Get yourself an head start!
The GoodNews Team

Aug 27th 2007 11:48   
Susan coils Senior   Web Design & Marketing Services for Small Business
Well, I think maybe they should be renamed as they are calculated on someone's ability to recruit - either to their own network or to their groups. I don't know how Apsense would know whether I was being 'honourable' in my marketing of Apsense itself, though I suppose they can monitor how I promote my groups.
I always assumed (yes, I know ass of u and me, lol) that the points were to do with how active you were, how helpful you were in answering posts/questions, etc.

Aug 27th 2007 15:30   
James Max Senior   Blog Network Community
"that the points were to do with how active you were, how helpful you were in answering posts/questions, etc"


But that would have to be "BJ Award" and you would have a hard time topping the present holder of the title - but you could try.

The GoodNews team
Aug 27th 2007 15:51   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Max

Dont forget Lynn in that award.
she doing a great job answering questions. :-)

Aug 27th 2007 16:48   
Lynn I. Magnate II   Earning Online Since 1999
You are too kind..I was just on my way here to give you a well deserved pat on the back :) Lynn
Aug 27th 2007 16:53   
James Max Senior   Blog Network Community

As the self-appointed Judge of the here Award Contest,
I must admit that I had no intention of leaving anyone off
the list of contenders, especially Lyn!

But, since Lyn graciously conceded on the opening round,
without demanding a recount, there is not much I can do,
except to offer her the APSense Choice Award>

Plaques will delivered as soon as I get some donations in.

The GoodNews team
Aug 27th 2007 18:04   
Selya Rollins Professional   Creative Imagery
So to help Susan, me and a few others, what daily activities, here at ApSense,
build those relationships (OK points too) :)

Did that come out right? You get the picture!

Examples, like adding 10 contacts/day, posting in 2 groups/day , etc
Aug 27th 2007 18:44   
Lynn I. Magnate II   Earning Online Since 1999
Just scroll on down to Bj's post ...he has quoted the faq's regarding this. Lynn
Aug 27th 2007 18:52   
Lynn I. Magnate II   Earning Online Since 1999
That last was regarding points. As far as building relationships...posting in groups, commenting on blogs. Building your contact list all all good ways. There is no set amount of doing each of these. Its up to you and how much time you have to invest. Lynn
Aug 27th 2007 19:05   
Selya Rollins Professional   Creative Imagery
Thanks, we need an occasional reminder of the GOOD ways!
Aug 27th 2007 21:14   
Norris R Kingsbur Innovator   
I want to thank you all. I have been a member for a few week and I was lost. I will spend a few hours of my quiet time going thru the program. thanks alot. San you made my day. that phase I have not heard since my Navy days. Norris
Aug 31st 2007 11:09   
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