The People Group

The Most Critcal Factor to Success?

by Not Here just want my account deleted
Not Here Committed just want my account deleted
Can this question even be anwsered? What is the most critical factor to success online? Hope to see a variety of answers and opinions on this one.
Aug 26th 2007 20:50

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Thea Westra Professional   Adding Wings To Our Unique Life Journey!
I'd say consistent high leverage, top value actions on a daily basis. Good planning and taking persistent actions based on a good plan.
Look at those already experiencing success. Follow their model, write to them and ask them if they have any tips for you. Many successful people are generous in spirit and are very willing to respond.
Quit spamming (if you're one of "those"). It leaves a bad impression and first impressions do count.
Online business principles are not different to a physical, store-front business.
These are a few of my nutshell comments. I'm certain that others who follow here will fill the gaps! :)

Aug 26th 2007 21:44   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
Thanks for the insights Thea, won't say too much more for now as I want too see what others have to say, but I do agree with what you have said and hope that others will ask your advice as well as advice from this group. This group has been created to help anyone succeed in anything, provided it is ethical, and hopefully it serves that purpose well.


Aug 26th 2007 22:51   
Collette Johnson Professional   Collette's Naturals
Hi Garnet
Thanks for the invite to your group. I agree with everything that Thea has said. I do have a couple things to add.

Most people spamming in networking communities are doing so because they are new to the business and were taught to PROMOTE PROMOTE ETC by their uplines. Which is a shame as it ends up cheating them in the long run. I say NETWORKING is just that, sharing ideas, strategies and advertising ideas and I teach that to all of my Distributors and even those that I network with who are new to Network/Internet Marketing.

Keep your advertising and promoting where it belongs...Your Advertising venues & the classifieds, bulletins etc provided by the Networking site itself.

Find a business/product that YOU BELIEVE in! You can't successfully build a business if you do not believe in its principles &/or Products. Also make sure you check them out at and other review sites such as the MLMWatchdog.

Aug 27th 2007 07:05   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
Thank you for accepting the invite and for your advice Collette. I agree that as sponsers we MUST teach our downlines not only to promote, but how, where, and what to promote. It should be a part of things crucial to mlm like teamwork and communication. As for the spam thing, I think I'll start a new thread on that subject.

Also, thanks for the referrals to and MLMWatchdog. Come to think of it, I may go check a few opps. out there myself right now.

Aug 27th 2007 20:21   
Thea Westra Professional   Adding Wings To Our Unique Life Journey!
In my response I realized that I neglected to include the obvious factors for online success.
These are ...your own personal confidence that you will succeed and a clear, personal definition of what that success 'looks like' for you.
You must first determine where you are heading and what you will/will not be providing as a part of your business.
It is so easy to be distracted and there are so many choices to make each day in operating your business, so be absolutely crystal clear about where you are wanting to go.
An exit strategy for your business is often a great place to start. If you know where and when you want to 'finish' then you'll also be very clear about what you need to be attending today, to move toward that.
With regard personal confidence, increase your level of courage, take action in those areas you say that you want success. Move a little beyond your fears each day and conquer them step by step. Consider your first day at school or first day in the workplace and observe how you are in relationship to these events today. Keep moving forward and you will grow into your "success shoes", they'll be a perfect fit soon, even if seemingly a little out of comfort today.

Aug 27th 2007 21:02   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
Thanks again Thea, Confidence and knowing where you are heading are absolutely very important factors. This can be quite difficult for many, myself included, for a number of reasons. Maybe you don't have enough time or money, maybe you just have no clue where to start, or maybe you just make too many excuses. Whatever the reason, left to blind fate there's no telling where you'll end up. Personally, I have a LOT of things I am going to accomplish. I won't go into too much detail right now, but my exit strategy involves a resort community and my starting point involves my present mlm of choice. There is a lot of stuff in between this including conventional business, charity work and some other pet projects. Now, I don't know how ever little detail is going to work out and I am bound to meet pitfalls here and there, but failure is not an option, it isn't even possible, because I will never quit until I get where I say I am going.

Keep winning in perspective!

Aug 28th 2007 23:52   
Chuck Bartok Professional   Veteran Entrepreneur now Sharing

My favorite subject....Success.

We had an awesome conversation on the Focus Society this morning about that....I think most of you know how to listne to the Focus Society
Just go www Ffocussociety and Dot com.

My Succes is so easy to measure Daily and that is a life is to me, a daily journey of happimness and contentment.....
remeber I approach things abit differnetly since I was "gone" for a while.

My Success is determined by my answers to my nightly questions
( prayer).

How many times today was my Story told....
How well di I prepare and present.....

Very simple, if my answers are equal to or exceed my stated daily Goal, I am the most successful person on Earth....

Because by following that simple Praxis, money continues to chase, so I never have to seek it
Sep 27th 2007 19:00   




Sep 29th 2007 03:30   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
Money Money Money - What the heck has it got to do with success? What about personal growth and acheivement? How about family and friends?

Your success may just have everything to do with how well you relate to people and nothing to do with some awesome jungle juice or great deal on cell phones.

Most Critical Factor, I Dunno!

Silly Remarks!
Sep 29th 2007 03:32   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted

Most Critical Facter? Just may be....

Challenge Yourself
Oct 12th 2007 01:49   
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