APSense's Corner Cafe - Advertising Free Group...

Are we living in a world where the only communication is advertising?

by Bj aka Bill Brown Hosting and Backup Service provider
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service...
Are we living in a world where the only communication is advertising?

So many members have made comments about the amount of advertising that is going on and the lack of real communication.

The Corner Cafe was set up as an advertising free group to provide a venue for those that want to get away from the advertising for a while and be able to have genuine exchanges without getting slammed in the face with ads.

I have not been so active to date due to workload and I have just had a pretty rough week health wise on top of that.

Lynn has posted several threads yet the lack of interaction just leaves me dumbfounded.

Where are all the members that have commented on the lack of communication?

Have we reached a point where we no longer know how to communicate without using an advertisement?

Are we so wrapped up in getting advertising posted that we have no time to spare for real conversation anymore?

Is it a case of the world is going to blazes and we don’t care as long as we can tell someone about the latest "Never before seen program compensation plan" which, by the way, we all know is just the "same old same old” in a different wrapper with a new plethora of hype and BS.

Have we come to a point where we have totally detached ourselves from real events and happenings to the extent that they leave us totally cold and uncaring?

Were none of our American members affected by the tragic collapse of the bridge over the Mississippi in Minneapolis, Minnesota?

Were none of our European members affected by the recent flooding in the UK, and other European countries?

Enough about bad news what about good news?

Has no one recently become a Mother, Father, or Grandparent?
has no one, or none of your family, overcome a health battle? (Note: no ads for an MLM product please).
Has no one, or none of your family, won a sporting prize?

We can’t shut out topics about the Internet nor do we want to.

Do you have a general opinion, without naming any specific program, about various Internet subjects?

I hope that those that take the time to read this will think about the questions I pose and give them some thought before replying rather than post a knee jerk reaction. Lets get some interaction going.
Aug 12th 2007 11:14

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Margaret Elmendorf Senior   
First of all, Bj, I hope that you are all right and not too sick. That would be good news that you are feeling better.
I have good news, in that my cancer has not come back.
And it isn't going to come back. I have too much living to do and I really need to keep Bj straight.
Aug 12th 2007 12:05   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Margie,

Yes I am on the way up again. I get periods that pull me down but I just fight back and get back up again.

I am really pleased to here you have beaten the cancer, and your positive attitude and determination not to let it pull you down, and get on with life is a great example for everyone.

As for keeping me straight, hmmm do you know what you are taking on? lol

Bill Brown aka Bjantiques

Aug 12th 2007 12:19   
Margaret Elmendorf Senior   
Glad to hear you are on your way up. We wouldn't know how to behave without you around apsense. Anyway, Glad to hear you feel better.
Aug 12th 2007 12:41   
Karen Weir Committed  Local Internet Advertising Consultant
Hi Bj and Margie,

I didn't see this thread til now.

I am glad to hear that you both (Bj and Margie) are doing well health wise.

The Weir household is preparing to send the children back to school on the 27th. My son, who has Asperger's syndrome, is already starting to have anxiety about going back - so I am working on a transition plan with him starting now. Transitions are VERY difficult for him, and therefore for all of us. He had a very rough last couple of months at the end of last term, and that is complicating things ALOT.

On Saturday we are going on a short vacation, returning on Thursday. The idea is to relieve the anxiety and let him have some fun. On Friday, I'll take him to school to meet with the teacher and pick out his locker, desk etc before all the kids return on Monday. The theory is that he'll know what to expect on Monday... here's hoping...

~ Karen ~
Aug 14th 2007 21:15   
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
Excellent Article BJ. I agree with it 100%.

Karen, Does your son have a personal aide to help him at school ?

Aug 15th 2007 16:04   
Karen Weir Committed  Local Internet Advertising Consultant
Oh Eric... we're trying to get him an aide... a very complicated process I'm afraid, and we've run into multiple roadblocks along the way. Not just the usual ones either, but Kory is not good with new people - I am working on getting the school board to let ME hire the aide. We'll see what happens. They tend not to view his "condition" as a disability because it is not obvious - he looks perfectly normal, and academically he is above average.

You are in Australia right? What kind of process do you go through to hire an aide? I assume that Bethany has one?

~ Karen ~
Aug 15th 2007 16:21   
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
Bethany is classed as Multiply disabled since she can't speak, can't walk unaided, needs diapers/nappies, and with her Epilepsy etc,

The past 3 years have increased to the point that she now has a full time aide. We also get 3 hours home help a week (Showering etc,).

Tempting though it may be to pay for an aide yourself, i would suggest pushing for a state funded aide as much as you can first. The way most government bodies are set up, once you have committed to paying for an aide yourself - you won't have a leg to stand on in getting a state funded one...

I guess theres not much i can do from here, but if you need any assistance by way of signing an online petition or anything similar - let me know...
Aug 15th 2007 16:49   
Beth Schmillen Professional   
Hi Bj and Margie... I'm glad both of you are doing well... I knew Margie was but hadn't heard that Bj had been not up to par! ...

Conversations are difficult to maintain in this format... unless you're willing to refresh your browser and the exchange is taking place almost in real time!

At a glance, I saw th 'Advertising Free' and thought it was a catchy way to get folks to come and post on your ad farm! Dang it... and I guess you're not looking for any administrators? That seems to raise the group's rating number...

just an idea...

I didn't know Karen and Eric and children that had such disabilities... I hope you get all the support and aide that you need. Friends of mine had to move out of a small town that wouldn't provide what their child was legally required to receive from a public school.. it was easier to move to a reasonable school district than to go to court. NOw that's small town politics.

Hope you don't have any of those troubles too...

give those kids a hug from Grandma Beth!

Aug 19th 2007 20:27   
Lynn I. Magnate II   Earning Online Since 1999
Hi Beth,
Sorry, no ad farm here, in fact just the opposite. And there is no need for any more adminstrators at this time. As this group is still very new. This group is for getting to know one another...if it stays small fine..if it grows fine..either way will be okay. Because this one is for the members and not the ratings. Lynn
Aug 19th 2007 21:02   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Beth,

Quite correct members don’t know much about each other and although we don’t want the "nitty gritty" it would be nice to get to know each other a little better.

As for my not being up to par, that is quite often the case, but complaining about it does not help so I just try to ignore it. After 5 years you get used to it, accept it’s a bad patch and fight back up again.

As for an Ad Farm far from it, it says Advertising Free not Free Advertising.
Good examples of reverse the words reverse the meaning.

Aug 19th 2007 23:13   
Carole Advanced   
Wow! That's all I can say is wow! I can understand the frustration with ads and such. It is the world we live in however, I have to say. I join networks, like Yuwie, apsense, mylot...for the banter...as well as any advertising I can sneak in. So often places will not give the entrepruener a chance to advertise. Whether that is fair or not is each ones opinions, and perhaps for another day. I specifically came here to escape the every day, mundane things I sometimes do for my various businesses. I wish everyone good health.

Sep 20th 2007 11:42   
Teeray L. Advanced   Researcher, Blogger, Gamer
I got sick of writing 'ad copy' myself, anyway, so I just quit lol

I'm just starting to write about the things I like to write about, things I'm interested in and - whether they are 'business-like' or not, I'm writing and enjoying myself a lot more lately.

It's hard to actually PAY ATTENTION to people who become part of my 'friends' list at many of these networking/social sites, so I am trying to turn my attention to being a decent 'friend' myself, find people with something to say, other than "hey check out this offer."

I have enough friends at the moment - now I am trying to follow up, get to know some of the people on my list so that they don't all just become 'avatars' LOL

Nov 12th 2007 04:17   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Tracy

Writing about the thing you like is the best way to get good content thats for sure.
We all need to do ads, however the best ad is the one that does not look like an ad.

This is where signature files play a very big part.
People do see them and they do click on the links in them.

Nov 12th 2007 04:28   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
I actually try not to post ads. I may write a blog about a problem my product helps with but I don't like blatant screaming ads. I've met some great people here that I consider friends and it was not an ad that sparked the relationship but rather some common ground we presented, or an idea that came out in a post. It was some little fact that either came from them or came from me without an ad.
Nov 12th 2007 09:22   
Paula Gaon Senior   

Thanks, BJ for nudging folks on to put things into perspective.
I haven't been active in awhile, but with the advent of this group,
am really inspired to make a point of posting!

I just became a great-aunt. Does this mean I can now post
pics of my beautiful little great-niece all over ApSense?
Just kidding...

Health& Well-being,
Dec 2nd 2007 06:50   
Marko S. Professional   Web Presence Provider
Yes, definitely, we live in world of advertising. This is main important aim of social networks. Just few examples:
MySpace - gots about 20 million dollars per month from advertising (this is not my assumption, reda this link: http://mashable.com/2007/02/09/myspace-makes-25-million-a-month-in-ads/
or this: http://www.mediaweek.com/mw/news/recent_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1003543487 )

almost all web 2.0 revenue sharing sites (as I know and I'm active in) made revenue by advertising:
Magnify.Net, Senserely, Revver, Flixya, Yuwie...
I made revenue from advertising - all this communities I mentioned are powered by adsense, adbrite, CJ, Linkshare and also other advertisers. So, my main point is to share all my stuff which is powered by ads.

The same is with ApSense.

This is fact. If someone don't want to see this is blind.

But I can't agree that all communication is advertising. You can always find what you want and learn something new, but the fact is that everything is powered by ads.
Dec 2nd 2007 08:25   
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional

There is a huge difference between static ads like adsense or CJ / Linkshare links and those that get posted to groups and discussions...

A large portion of my online income is from adsense. I believe in this type of promotion. I am also a member of Commission Monster (Australian site similar to CJ).

I also take advantage of the World of APsense feature here.

What Bj is referring to is when groups and blogs (which are designed for discussion, articles and debate) are used to send SPAM messages to members of the group.

Dec 2nd 2007 14:25   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
Well I see this discussion was posted quite some time ago now and am quite suprised to see such a small level of particpation!

If some people are posting good content or discussions but not participating throughout the community why would anyone bother interacting with them?

Could just be me but I like giving and recieving feedback, I thrive off it, learn from it and make friends in the process. So I don't care how good your discussions are, if you have no visability outside of your little corner of the network, more specificly if you are visiting other members blogs but never leaving any feedback, I am not likely to get very involved with anything you are doing, and neither are most people who have a soul...you see it's all about community and people working together.
Dec 2nd 2007 14:46   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Hi, Bj,

This is a subject that is very close to my own heart.

I do not advertise to internet marketers because they (generally) have a particular mind set. As you so rightlyy point out they are only interested in MLM opportunities, paid surfing or on line form filling. They never seem to cost out the time they are on line to see if they are making money.

Maybe they should take a little course in cost accounting to see how much they need to earn in order to simply break even. The cost of the space in their home that they utilise for on line efforts. The cost of electricity. The amortisation of their computer and a contingency account to cover unexpected expenses - like a new computer programme, new storage income tax, indemnity insurance or whatever. The actual cost of their time will probably surprise them..

Once they do this they will know what they need to earn and will be able to plan what they have to do to earn it.

Instead, most internet marketers seem to lurch from programme to programme, from free ad to free ad, from paid ads to paid ads, from one surf programme to the next and never sit down and work out if they are breaking even.

They have, for the most part, been brainwashed into thinking that they need to have a list so they join communities like Apsense and start asking people to be their friends - er. sorry, creating their list.

Look at any spam box and I guarantee you will see gurus promoting posting to blogs and forums to build your list - for the most part - that is what they do. The gurus even provide them with a list of forums, blogs and communities to join. Then, of course, you have blog blasters and every other sort of blaster that has harvested millions of email addresses so that the owner can send spam on behalf of paying customers who would get similar results using FFA pages.

It takes people a little while to realise that their guru has pointed them in the wrong direction and, if they are lucky, they realise that they are members, not of a marketing community but of a self help group. They will see that questions are answered and that there are resources that they can benefit from - most of all, they will see that they have been missing the whole point of Apsense.
Dec 2nd 2007 15:30   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi marS

Eric has pointed out what I am getting at very well so not going to repeat it.

Hi Eric thanks for putting it in context.
I been over my head in work.

Dec 2nd 2007 18:21   
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