As I’m sure you all noticed the changes with the upgrade.  As APSense grows into a more professional site, other changes are also being made including putting in place an official APSense Adminstration/Support team.  There will be Admins, Moderators and Advisors.  Please check the APSense Wiki to find out what each does. 


You can find a List of Moderators on the Wiki.  Moderators are in charge of different add-ons and Niche Communities.  You can find out who is responsible for each area on the Wiki.



You can find the Advisor responsibilities in the Wiki also.  We will be building a team of Advisors to help members.  As advisors are added to the team you will be able to find their information also.



A new addition to the team is admins.  Admins will work directly with Wincer and will have admin powers for the site to remove spam and abuse, and scammer profiles.  Please check the Wiki to see what the Admin responsibilities s are.  It is the function of the Admins to keep APSense clean and running smoothly to free Wincer’s time to work on updates and improvements to the site.

Admins will also verify and delete abusive spam posts.  Posts will only be deleted if the post actually falls into the accepted categories listed in the radio buttons.


 The official APSense admins are:


Bill Brown( Bjantiques)-Bill has been a member of the APSense team since the beginning and has invested many hours in helping APSense members.


Cheryl Baumgartner (pplcheryl63)-Cheryl has been a member since 2007 and has been a member of the APSense team since the launch of APSense 2.0


Paula Van Dun-Paula has been a member since 2010 and has shown herself to be proactive in assisting members since she joined.


If you have questions about the upgrade please contact one of the Admins.  Once we get advisors in place you will be able to contact them also.  The goal is to build APSense into a professional, trustworthy network and that effort is being rewarded in our lower Alexa rankings.


Official Site Announcements

It is important as we move forward after the upgrade that members, know where to find official site information.  Any member may post articles but these are not in any way official or endorsed by Wincer. 

The only official site announcements come from the site admins.  Also authorized to make official announcements are Joseph Bothelo and of course  Wincer Song as the owner . 

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