I'm going to explain some reason' why people are unmotivated, and how to change it.

Set goals

1. Reason why people are unmotivated – There are no clear goals.

If you don't have clear "written down" goals for yourself what you want from life. Then you will never get them. Instead going after your goals and doing things what would benefit your future, you

r more likely doing things like:

*playing video games
*Browsing on internet (Facebook, Youtube)
*Watching Tv

* Solution - Write down your goals.


2. Reason why people are unmotivated - Self-image is low

It's happening because people are building their self-image from external factors. If you think you are respected because your car, house or income and when these things are taken away you feel vulnerable.If you are having period though period in life (losing job, your income goes down, car crash) then this most likely get you in a mood where you feel that there's nothing good in life.

* Solution - Build your self-image and motivate yourself with things that are inside of you.  

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