
Why am i not earning on Apsense yet...?

Asked by Chima Onyemeteleugwo, in Affiliate Marketing
I need an answer... or enlightenment on how to request for payment on Apsense

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Dr Don Yates Sr PhD Magnate III Premium   Entrepreneur, Mentor, Advisor, CEO
I have to answer with another Question. What actions have you taken to market yourself, your product, or your service?

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Dec 5th 2023 10:51   
Arika Singh Junior  vape store
In case of an eye emergency in Abuja, immediately contact the nearest eye hospital or seek emergency medical attention.
Dec 6th 2023 06:07   
Warren Contreras Magnate I   Old Retired Guy
I don't understand how much help those links would be when they link to data that is decades old (if the links are not just plain broken).
Dec 6th 2023 13:36   
faii acy Magnate II   GPT Site Owner/Operator
Apsense is a marketing/Connection site, not a site to earn with directly. There used to be paid ads you could view for cash, but I have not seen any for a very long time. As I recall it was $50 minimum cashout
Dec 8th 2023 05:24   
Emily Jo Junior  India Visa Online
There could be several reasons why you are not earning on Apsense yet. Here are some potential factors to consider:

Incomplete Profile: Ensure that your Apsense profile is complete and provides a clear overview of your skills, experience, and interests. A complete profile is more likely to attract attention from potential connections and clients.

Limited Activity: Apsense is a social business networking platform, and like any social network, your activity level matters. Engage with others by commenting on posts, joining discussions, and sharing relevant content. Being active increases your visibility and credibility.

Networking Approach: Building connections is crucial on Apsense. Connect with professionals in your industry, join relevant groups, and participate in discussions. Networking can open up opportunities for collaboration and potential earnings.

Showcasing Skills: Make sure you showcase your skills and expertise on your profile. This will help others understand what you bring to the table and why they should consider working with you.

Offering Services: If you're looking to earn through services, make sure you clearly outline the services you offer on your profile. This includes details such as pricing, delivery time, and any other relevant information.

Building Trust: Trust is essential in online business relationships. Be genuine, transparent, and reliable in your interactions. Positive reviews and recommendations from others can build trust in your profile.

Patience: Earning on platforms like Apsense may take time. Building a network, establishing credibility, and finding the right opportunities all require patience. Keep working on improving your profile and engaging with the community.

Market Demand: Evaluate whether there is a demand for your skills or services on the platform. If the market is saturated with similar offerings, it might be challenging to stand out. Consider niching down or finding a unique angle to differentiate yourself.

If you've addressed these aspects and are still facing challenges, consider reaching out to Apsense support or community forums for additional insights specific to the platform. They may provide guidance or tips based on their experience and observations.
Dec 12th 2023 17:53   
Bhavitra Technologies Private Limited Innovator  MAKES THE IT INNOVATION
In case of an eye emergency in Abuja, immediately contact the nearest eye hospital or seek emergency medical attention.
Dec 13th 2023 23:41   
love senada Advanced  lovesena
What actions have you taken to market yourself, your product, or your service?

Members find help here
Dec 16th 2023 01:47   
OptiProERP Software Innovator  ERP for Manufacturing Industries
If you're looking to earn through services, make sure you clearly outline the services you offer on your profile. This includes details such as pricing, delivery time, and any other relevant information.
Dec 18th 2023 01:13   
love senada Advanced  lovesena
What actions have you taken to market yourself, your product, or your service?
Dec 18th 2023 23:47   
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