Sharper Focus on QC Tech


by David Schupbach
David Schupbach Senior  

Feb 29th 2008 07:58

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David Schupbach Senior   
if you liked this, check out my new info service at:
Feb 29th 2008 08:25   
Mark Hultgren Senior   Wordpress Specialist
Great Tips from some of the top producers around! And the price is fantastic! FREE!!!
Feb 29th 2008 08:49   
Mark Hultgren Senior   Wordpress Specialist
Broken Link in your Sig Mo!
Feb 29th 2008 08:50   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
I came, I saw, I was convinced even more that audio video is a waste of time - over 20 minutes to listen to people stumble through words that should have flowed.

Than God is more traditional and infinitely more valuable.

Why does nobody else feel that this type of presentation places a low value upon their time? Is it because it is novel? Or is it because of the invidious subliminal effect of gurus chanting audio/visual audio/visual audio/visual audio/visual audio/visual?

If I had watched every audio visual presentation in my yahoo! in box this morning - I'd still be watching and listening!!
Feb 29th 2008 13:29   
Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
Sorry Mo, but with the speed of my link, I didn't watch the videos.
They take too long for me.
Feb 29th 2008 16:21   
David Schupbach Senior   
Thanks Mark! Did the sig link in a hurry...
Yes, I liked the info myself, it gave me several ideas... Although like Arthur says, some of the presentations were a little amatuerish.

Arthur. I have to confess, I not only agree with you, but at the same time I kinda liked the amateur presentation, I guess it's something about being tired of the mainstream media. They are so slick that I don't trust ANYTHING they say. I will actually listen to these guys, although to tell you the truth, I only listened to 3 of them ALL the way thru.
I too prefer the old school, but since there are only so many of us left, and most of the younger generation tends toward video, I have been moving myself in the direction of video, and wanted to get everyone's reactions.

Jean, not to worry, until not very long ago, I couldn't have watched them either.
That's why I have my bizinfo site also, which I will be adding more to in the future!

Thanks for your responses everyone!
Feb 29th 2008 20:50   
Mark Hultgren Senior   Wordpress Specialist
I agree that some were a bit amatuerish, coming from a training standpoint, I can understand how hard it is to create a smooth flowing presentation. It is one thing to write something up and even rehearse it a few times, but when you actually go "Live" the first few times it is a bit unsettling, no matter how prepared you are.
I am talking from recent experience too. I have done training in person for the past ten years, but most of the classes have been for groups of around 20-30, when I did my stint in Vegas last Nov, I was not prepared to walk into a class of over 200! It took me about five minutes to get settled down and into a flow.
Many people THINK they can teach, until they stand up in front of a large group on tape. When they go back and watch the video later, it is usually a humbling experience! And a GREAT learning tool!
Mar 3rd 2008 17:46   
David Schupbach Senior   
Yeh Mark, they say there are 3 major fears that everyone has... Death, Taxes, and Public Speaking! (not necessarily in that order!)
Mar 3rd 2008 18:05   
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